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Organic Kaleidoscope
by Eli
Citation:   Eli. "Organic Kaleidoscope: An Experience with DMT (exp116998)". Feb 10, 2023.

2 hits vaporized DMT (extract)
Over winter break from college, my best friend and I extracted DMT from Mimosa bark. The process was surprisingly simple and within a week we had DMT vape juice. I went into my first trip with an open mind and a completely relaxed mindset.

I took a hit from the vape mod and held it for ten seconds before taking another hit. As I inhaled the second time, the world around me began to shift. Inanimate objects became animated, fine details became lost and started blurring together. Everything around me seemed to be dancing as I peered at my surroundings with wide eyes and an uncontrollable grin on my face. My friend urged me to take another draw from the piece. His eyes morphed, growing and shrinking in size, whereas his other facial features were indistinguishable from his skin, essentially disappearing. I took another hit and as soon as I blew out the vapor, the outside world went grayscale. I leaned back into the couch and closed my eyes.

I could hear a vibrating hum slowly speeding up and getting louder until it completely covered up all outside noise.
I could hear a vibrating hum slowly speeding up and getting louder until it completely covered up all outside noise.
A spinning silver saucer appeared before me. In front of the saucer appeared a man with dull grey skin and hair styled in in a top knot, reminiscent of Buddha. His arms were outstretched as he spun before the saucer. I could see walls around me composed of human eyes and faces arranged into a beautiful geometric pattern. I was still very conscious of my breath, focusing on staying calm. The man stopped spinning and his body shifted colors before he exploded into a beautiful spectacle of organic, spiraling geometry. The movement of this living geometry is completely beyond explanation. It’s something that could never be recreated in our reality. I watched as panthers morphed into butterflies. Butterflies became flowers which bees landed upon to pollinate. The bees rushed toward me, clouding my vision. The yellow and black arranged into a new creature, a leopard, which then took the image of a woman’s face. Her hair moved like snakes and her face radiated perfection, pure beauty. She smiled at me before shifting again.

At this point, my mind completely disconnected from my body. I was in a different realm. I was no longer me. I was merely a projection of my soul in this different dimension adjacent to what we know as reality. As these beings continued to morph into others, I came to a realization. All life in our universe is one in the same. All organic matter composes one super organism. We are all cut from the same fabric. Every organism is one in the same, despite how different we all seem.

A ram appeared before me, its horn spiraling endlessly into the depths of the universe. It greeted me with kindness before it began to pulse with a dark red hue. I felt an extreme sense of terror as the ram descended upon me. Every red pulse radiated more dark, evil energy. It had an aura of pure hatred. It began to open its maw from which the darkest, most potent redness was emitted. I spoke directly to the beast, “I am in control. This is my experience. I want to see something love, I don’t want to see you anymore.” Immediately, from the ram's mouth emerged an infinite number of flowers of every imaginable color which completely filled my field of vision. I was flooded with extreme euphoria. As the trip continued, I saw only immense beauty. Countless feminine beings flew by me. Their beauty was immeasurable compared to any earthy being. One of these women had dark purple skin and heart shaped nipples. A neon green waterfall was erupting from between her thighs. She smiled at me as she flew by.

At this point, the colors began to fade, the movement began to slow. I opened my eyes to see the same intense visual distortions from before. The water bottle in my hand was a completely foreign object to me. I observed it and asked aloud, “What is this?” Somebody told me it was water, so I opened the lid and took a drink. The liquid traveled down my throat as if it were completely solid. It was very strange.

Slowly the world around me began to vibrate less and my vision returned to normal. I felt a beautiful sense of euphoria. I was enlightened. Love defeats hate. Hatred and evil cannot be solved with more hatred. Love is the all powerful force that connects all of us.

I touched the gates of the DMT realm, I wasn’t able to completely break through.
[Reported Dose: "20 mg"]

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 116998
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Feb 10, 2023Views: 427
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DMT (18) : Glowing Experiences (4), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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