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Everything Everywhere All at Once
Ketamine, Nitrous Oxide, Cannabis & Nicotine
Citation:   Damion1567. "Everything Everywhere All at Once: An Experience with Ketamine, Nitrous Oxide, Cannabis & Nicotine (exp117050)". Feb 28, 2023.

T+ 0:00
  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   repeated vaporized Nicotine  
  T+ 2:00   repeated vaporized Cannabis  
  T+ 2:27   repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide  
270 MG R-ketamine (crushed very finely)
13 little lines (15-17mg)
1 pile (20-30mg)
Weed vape pen (weed distillate cart)
Vape (nicotine)
Nitrous (8.4oz isi charger, approx 15 balloons, I didn't count)

Not my usual M.O. for doing ketamine. I generally save ketamine for the beautiful days, when I feel the music and want to embrace it further. I try to stay away from anything psychedelic when I'm in a negative headspace. I dont want to associate drugs with negative experiences and ruin the magic. I'm also wary of using drugs as a coping mechanism. Lately I however have found myself in a bit of a depressed loop due to personal circumstances out of my control. Experimentally I've talked myself into aiming for a therapeutic dose. My intent tonight is some introspection and to shake myself out of the gloom for second. Or embrace it and get some perspective on it. I wanted to add this as it is an invisible factor in my set and setting of the evening.

12:35 line 1
The first couple lines I usually have my complaints with the taste.
It's not the worst taste imaginable.
Slightly tastes like Tylenol.
It goes away quick, and once it does I generally become numb to the taste for the rest if the evening.
Headphones in. Spotify track hunting.

12:47 line 2
More taste still.
I can feel the slightest hint.
Just slightly warm and comfy.
Bobbing my head to some hip-hop.
My usual musical direction when playing with ketamine.

1:00am line 3
Feeling more than I expect to at this point.
I haven't dabbled in a while and haven't eaten anything for several hours.
Probably factors to my tolerance or lack there of tonight.
Whatever the reason, my anxiety is melting away.
My buzz currently feels comparable to the laziness of weed edibles and the coordination loss of a couple shots of alcohol.
Just a little wonky but smooth feeling.
Very comfy.

1:15 line 4
Very comfy.
Slight loss of coordination, but mostly internally noticed.
Could hold myself together in a public situation without anyone noticing if needed still.
My vision feels ever so slightly laggy.
As if everything is a couple microseconds behind.
Feeling it, but no synesthesia yet with music.
I've been hitting my nicotine vape.
The aurora projectors both have inverted pyramids of colourful haze floating above them.
Best purchases I've ever made in regards to psychedelic substances.
Lava lamp is slowly dancing with itself. Red velvet blobs folding into its pristine teal glow.

1:30 line 5
Instant taste but fades just as fast and goes back to numb.
Very velvety feeling.
The music I'm listening to has a velvet feeling to it.
Anxiety has completely melted away.
My coordination feels similar to being drunk but my head feels lighter than alcohol's lull.
I dont feel like I'm melting yet, but I can tell that is the direction I'm headed.
I haven't fully embraced musical synesthesia yet but I'm somewhere in the middle.

There has been a casualty.
Knocked over my lava lamp.
It survived.
New bulb, burnt the filament during the chaos.
But removed it from the room for the evening to prevent a second K(c)haotic event.
Lesson learned.
K(c)ords are not your friend on Ketamine.

2:00 line 6
Physically and coordination wise I can feel the wonkyness.
But mentally I am a step back after knocking over the lamp.
I'm sure once line 6 starts to take hold ill relax mentally again.
Taking hits off my weed pen now too and adding that to the haze in my room.

2:15 line 7
Feeling a lot of the physical effects;
Laziness, loss of coordination and warmth.
Wonky but smooth.
I'm creeping towards the beautiful musical synesthesia I incessantly rant about in my reports.
Mild CEVs. Claymation and velvet nonsensical colours.
But I'm still at a point that I prefer the aurora lights eyes opened and using my phone.
I'll play in the CEV puddle when I'm ready.

2:30 line 8
Still very present in my room.
A lot of introspection that I would not be capable of sober.
As if I cab detach my gut reaction from my thoughts and process each separately.
It's not completely annulled at this point though.
I still have some knee jerk reflex.
But significantly less than baseline.

2:45 line 9
Still Coordinated enough to type.
But feeling the effects.
Not close to K-holing.
Mild CEVs if I close my eyes and look for it.
More claymation fractal colours.
Still very grounded in this reality.

3:02 nitrous balloon

Pretty sure I just crashed the simulation.
Crazzzzzzzy closed eye visuals.
Open eyes back in my room.
Closed eyes back to absolutely bonkers CEVs.
Nitrous and RKetamine is wild.
I'm pretty sure in my CEV there were windows error screens.
I just tripped so hard that my trip was I crashed the simulation.

3:17 line 10
Ok let's do another line.
Holy shit.
N2o and ketamine is Krazy.
Literally went to another dimension and then had a period where I was in two places at once.
Then both the real world and the clay world merged together and left me here on my bed.

Adding this the next day.
After this point I was too high to be on my phone to type.

I did about 15 balloons in total
About 20mg more ketamine also.

Ketamine and nitrous is stronger or as strong as DMT.
(I've only ever done N,N-DMT once so maybe I'm not the best judge)

Every balloon would shoot me into another dimension.
My room would change substantially.

Most memorable was a tapestry turned into an almost entity.
Bells were playing in the song I was listening to.
There were bells all over this entity.
Hearts appeared glowing on my walls.
The entity was looking at me and smiling.
The smile was loving but slightly devious.

I will be doing this again.
It instantly has become my favorite psychedelic experience ever.
I'll be keeping it in moderation as everyone should.
Sub khole dose, plus whippets is like dimension hopping.
It was like a scene from everything everywhere all at once.
Every time I would also have about a solid minute of pure euphoria.
Another note is that I was only inhaling and holding nitrous for about 5 to 10 seconds.
No blowing back into the balloon.
No holding it extensively like I would normally to maximize effects.
I couldn't imagine 2 balloons.

Definitely not for first time users.
Keeping my eyes open would change my surroundings.
Closing my eyes was a very unique dimension hopping experience that I could abort at any time by opening my eyes.
I wish i could've written about some of my experiences last night.
But they are just too complex and amazing for words.
Totally unable to even attempt to log the experiences.

Since I do ketamine alone generally (though I really would like to try this with my trip partner as I'm very curious to see what another human would morph into at that time) this will become a staple in my books for my ketamine trips.
Which I keep below once a month.
I feel amazing today.
Barely any sleep as I don't sleep well with ketmaine.
But I feel amazing.
Anxiety is gone.
Depression has faded.
Hopefully this remains.
I love you all.
Stay Weird. Be a good human. Enjoy the ride. <3

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117050
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Feb 28, 2023Views: 389
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Ketamine (31), Nitrous Oxide (40) : Glowing Experiences (4), Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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