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The 'Day After' Reactions Are Tough
Mushrooms - P. cubensis (Golden Teacher & Amazonian) & Cannabis
by Var
Citation:   Var. "The 'Day After' Reactions Are Tough: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (Golden Teacher & Amazonian) & Cannabis (exp117084)". Sep 30, 2023.

0.5 - 1.8 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Always Down the Day After

I keep having strange reactions to mushrooms. The day after a dose, I have been any combination of depressed, sad, moody, down, and a couple of times very angry and easily triggered. Set and setting have varied from having a sitter with planned activities to taking a dose alone. I have taken Golden Teacher 7 times between .5 and 1.8 grams and Amazonian 2 times .5 grams each. Amazonian made me angry both times. Golden Teacher is a little different each time.

Each trip or experience (if less than a gram) is similar. I only drink teas now since it's easier on the stomach. I start out by feeling a little buzzed after 45 minutes or an hour. Next is anxiety with possible nausea. Then euphoria hits at about the 2 hour mark. This lasts for about 3 more hours. After another 1 to 3 hours depending on dose, I come out of the experience completely.

During the come down period, I can feel a little hopeless. The day after, the feeling is amplified.
During the come down period, I can feel a little hopeless. The day after, the feeling is amplified.
No hope, no sense of purpose. I'm not suicidal during this time and would not harm myself, but I don't feel good about being alive either. Two days after a dose, all of this turns around. I feel a profound sense of stability that slowly degrades over days or weeks.

Growing up, I had to live with an abusive father. Physical, mental, sexual, spiritual...he got to me every way he could. I was especially afraid to go to sleep at night. A doctor put me on antidepressants at a young age, and it took almost 30 years to get off of those drugs. What my father's abuse did to me plus the damage from antidepressants has left my nervous system a mess. I know I'm not the only person suffering from a difficult past, but I can't find anyone else reporting experiences like mine.

I'd really like to know if others have experiences like me. I'd also like to determine whether continuing to use mushrooms is likely to keep improving my mental health or that I've gotten all I can from them. They have helped in many ways, but the "day after" reactions are tough, and I don't like my family having to watch me suffer through.

Exp Year: 2022ExpID: 117084
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 45
Published: Sep 30, 2023Views: 20
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Unknown Context (20), Hangover / Days After (46), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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