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Annoying Side Affects Made Me Panic
Citation:   Anonymous . "Annoying Side Affects Made Me Panic: An Experience with Tramadol (exp117114)". Mar 21, 2023.

100 mg oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
Before today, I haven’t had a bad experience with tramadol. My other experiences have been nice, euphoric, and calm. The only negative side effects I had before were dehydration and clamminess the next morning. However, it had been around three months since I had last taken tramadol.

Around 22:30, I took two pills of tramadol (50 mg each). That is a normal dose for me. I was having a nice day, very calm and relaxed, but sore after a long walk, and thought the tramadol would be a nice way to make the day better.

After 30 minutes from Initial Dose, I became a bit drowsy, but I do believe that was just because I was normal tired.

After 1 hour and 32 minutes from Initial Dose, I felt the familiar euphoria and decided to give to some music and close my eyes.

After 2 hours from Initial Dose, I had a very sharp and unbearable pain in my stomach. I was very gaseous and felt like I needed to burp, but nothing came from that. I decided that maybe I needed to go to the bathroom, but no success. I had a very hard time urinating and never had a bowel movement.
While heading back to my room, I became very VERY lightheaded and dizzy and clammy, and had to rush to my bed before I fell over. Once I caught my breath, I decided to take my vitals.
My blood oxygen was 90%, which is low for me. My heart beat was 83, which is also low for me.
My breathing was very very shallow and I had to manually take very deep breaths.
I did start to panic, but got myself under control after around 20 minutes.

It’s now 3 hours and 10 minutes after Initial Dose. My breathing is still shallow, not as shallow as before though. My blood oxygen has returned to normal. My heart rate is still below average for me.The pain in my stomach has mainly subsided, but I am still very gaseous and cannot urinate. I cannot fall asleep, and am still a little shaken.

I do tend to overreact due to anxiety, but this was a new experience for tramadol for me, and decided to share. Just in case anyone needs an experience

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117114
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 21, 2023Views: 593
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Pharms - Tramadol (149) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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