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Ended Up Walking for 6 Hours Straight
Citation:   Jonas Freebase. "Ended Up Walking for 6 Hours Straight: An Experience with 6-APB (exp117229)". Sep 5, 2023.

  oral 6-APB (powder / crystals)

Set: I had no stresses in my life at the moment. I felt relaxed and was looking forward to the experience.

Setting: I was either in my room with my bf or walking outside in the woods with my bf. I had a big dinner the night before and only ate one bowl of pudding the morning of the day I took the substance.

I wanted to try this substance for a very long time, when I first heard of this substance that is described as mdma with a psychedelic edge it got me very interested. I bought 250mg of 6apb succinate like a month ago and have just been waiting for a good setting.

13:15 t+0:00
Parachuted about 180mg of the something around 70% succinate 6apb batch in 1 square of toilet paper.

13:24 t+0:09
I'm just sitting in my room now watching my bf play csgo. I start feeling a slight semblence of euphoria on my body.

13:29 t+0:14
Feeling slight nausea.

13:38 t+0:23
Euphoria just slightly increased and I feel my heart rate increase with my breaths being more shallow.

13:42 t+0:27
Feeling dehydration.

14:09 t+0:54
Just as I was saying to myself that this 6apb aint shit, I started suddenly feeling more euphoria, my mind feels more clouted, feeling pressure on my eyes that felt like it was pushing me to focus in the center of my vision and I didnt perceive my peripheral vision as much.

14:20 t+1:05
I went to the toilet and it really hit me. The body high is a nice warm all encompassing euphoria. Feeling very stimulated. My eyes have dilated but not fully. I'm also more chatty now too. I feel like I could become very concentrated right now, I'm only focusing on the center of my vision. I'm not really paying attention to anything in my peripheral vision. The pressure on my eyes is still there and it's only getting stronger.

14:26 t+1:11
Feeling alot of euphoria now on my entire body. My pupils have dilated more.

14:49 t+1:34
Euphoria and stimulation is increasing. I am very chatty, open and honest. I feel really good.
Euphoria and stimulation is increasing. I am very chatty, open and honest. I feel really good.
I'm going to take a walk, I've just been chillin in my room with my bf. I also feel the classic entactogen urge to tell friends that I love them. Messaged one of my friends and had an honest and bonding conversation with him.

T+ ?:??
I dont really have timestamps for the next 5 or so hours because I just spent them walking and talking with my bf. I understand why people say this substance has a psychedelic edge. The headspace feels pretty psychedelic with interesting ideas and deep thoughts coming to mind without effort. Thinking felt so profound and I had such great conversations with my bf. The body high is great, although slightly less euphoric than mdma I'd say. Just warm blissful euphoria throughout my entire body. It felt like I could smoke unlimited cigs and smoking them felt so good too. I smoked a low to moderate amount of cannabis while on the walk too. I could feel a tiny bit of the usual cannabis high but it mostly just intensified the effects of the 6apb for me. I also had a really strong urge to be outside and keep walking. I did not want to go inside. Idk if this could've just been fear of interacting with my parents but being in nature felt incredible.

I find the nature around where I live beautiful even when sober and it felt so much more beautiful when I was on 6apb. Another thing to note is that my body temperature didnt just feel increased as I expected. For me personally I felt body temperature dysregulation in general. It was not that intense but I did end going to sleep in 3 layers under my blanket (It gets cold in my room at night but I usually sleep with just 1 or 2. On this walk I also noticed slight open eyed visuals. When I looked at the ground while walking the wet parts of the road (darker) were kinda creating little fractals with the dry parts of the road (lighter). It was very slight tho. Another open eyed visual I had is when I looked at a hill in the distance and it looked like it was swirling into itself and breathing a little. But the open eyed visuals weren't very intense. I also felt my legs hurting pretty bad. Probably because of the extensive walking and no eating.

19:40 t+6:25
This is about when I ended up going home. This was definitely the best walk of my life. Such profound conversations and such interesting ideas that I've thought about and discussed with my boyfriend. It feels like it definitely strengthened our bond and got us even closer.

20:30 t+7:15
I took the bus to my moms house (fortunately she wasnt going to be home for the night). I smoked more weed and the experience got pretty trippy and weird, I loved it! It felt like it brought back the 6apb peak though I was more slow and stoned, and felt more trippy as I said. I had slight open eyed distortions especially noticeable with faces. I went to bed with my bf and we cuddled for a bit. It felt so fucking good! It was godlike. I was just sinking into his body while we held each other tight and closed my eyes to watch the closed eyed visuals that were now present. The closed eyed visuals were vaguely defined 2d geometry shapes with some fractals too at times. I would call it level 3 geometry according to the Psychonautwiki definitions.

22:44 t+9:29
The experience has felt way more trippy for the past while. Really great experience, very glad that time distortion wasnt as apparent as with mdma. I did not really get that uncomfortable bittersweet feeling of realizing you're not going as hard anymore, which is something I have always felt with mdma. I had some pretty nice cevs, just pretty vague geometric shapes or fractals but at times they could get pretty intense and complicated. Very nice psychedelic headspace along with that insanely good body high that just makes it feel so chill while having such interesting and deep thoughts. My head has been hurting a little bit and my jaw muscles hurt alot but I have not felt too many other side effects. No git discomfort (I believe this was thanks to the light diet I took the day off). My head and jaw weren't hurting during the experience, only in the past couple hours. I actually didn't need any chewing gum at all. My legs hurt like a bitch and its actually really intense pain. It was pretty hard to fall asleep especially with the leg aching. It took me ~3 hours but I don't really know when exactly I fell asleep because I was waking up alot at night.

Next day: I took benzos for the day after so I dont feel the comedown. And it worked, I felt good the next day. A couple days later I find myself feeling more of an afterglow than a crash. I feel more creative and its easier for me to be productive. My thoughts are way more interesting and more profound concepts come to my mind. The experience has been amazing. Very interesting chemical. I definitely prefer it to mdma.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117229
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 5, 2023Views: 209
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6-APB (516) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4)

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