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A Happier Type of Amphetamine
Citation:   snowcyclone. "A Happier Type of Amphetamine: An Experience with 3-Fluoroamphetamine (exp117317)". Aug 8, 2023.

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral 3-Fluoroamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:15 30 mg oral 3-Fluoroamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:30 20 mg oral 3-Fluoroamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of experiencing 3-FA for the first time. 3-FA was chosen because I did want to go out to party, however, I did not want to deplete my serotonin in massive amounts. 3-FA and 3-FMA were the best suited for this with what I could buy, and 3-FMA would last significantly longer, hence the decision to use 3-FA. I dissolved the substance in vodka in a flacon in order to dose easily and accurately, and also because some reports stated that insufflating it is extremely painful.

While intending to use it at a rave, I wanted to test the substance out beforehand to see how I reacted, since very little information could be found regarding this substance. This was in a hostel with a group of friends, where drug use was (probably) prohibited. Another reason not to use 3-FMA. One friend would join me, and I assured her that I would report her how it felt before she joined me with it. For the duration of the day, I felt very lethargic and tired, and was hoping that the drug would help with this. A heavy meal was eaten at approximately 4 to 5 hours prior, and did not feel full at the time of ingestion.

Experience report:
At 23:00 I ingested a light dose of 15mg of the substance by mouth. It tasted extraordinarily disgusting, like spoiled hard liquor ANd I took a small sip of water to flush the taste away. After this, we walked with a group of 5 towards the club which was approximately 30 minutes away.

(T+0:15) I feel a bit more energised. Walking quickly goes easy even though I was tired, I am constantly fidgeting with my rings and wristwatch, and I become more talkative. I can feel as if my eyelids are slightly more open than before. However, my friends don’t seem to have noticed that anything was off. A slight trembling of the hands was felt as well, and this was noticeable when I tried to put in my earplugs, or tried to unbutton my jacket, which was quite uncomfortable.

(T+0:30) Over the course of the past fifteen minutes I can feel the substance becoming more active, but the come-up is extremely gentle. It felt like a parent pushing your back when you are riding a bike as a child when you’re struggling to keep up to pace. The effects, however, are very much felt. When starting to dance, I felt encourage to continue doing so, like stopping would cost considerably more energy. Headspace is virtually absent, but I felt like I did not care as much as I usually do when I dance. This could also have been because the club was completely empty by the time this was felt.

(T+1:00) The effect of the drug is now in full swing. Slight tingling was felt at the tips of my extremities when I kept dancing. I felt my heartbeat harder than solely because of dancing. Chewing gum felt very good. The headspace was a little more brightened up than before, even though I was complaining to my friends that the music sucked. The music sounded better too, even though nothing extraordinary was changed. I was practically fidgeting with my rings the whole time. My mouth was a bit dry, and I felt quite warm, but was not sweating a lot. A slight headspace of stimulation is felt, and I can notice that thoughts are being sped up. I felt like I was very happy to be here with my friends, and had a desire to flatter and hug them. This all felt extremely subtle, though, and as such can be seen as an encouragement instead of a desire, or forced manner.

According to the Journal app, the effects by this time were at its peak, and I hinted to my friend who was intending to use it with me that she could come with me to (re)dose. I ingested another 30 milligrams, and gave my friend the same amount. Again, disgusting. My friend concurred, and flushed it away with some water.

(T+1:15 or redose T+0:15)
No new effects were felt, but the encouraging manner of stimulation became heavier. A greater degree of bruxism was also experienced. I started to sweat a little bit more, but the location had become warmer, so this is difficult to tell. The headspace stayed more or less the same; subtle but noticeable. The way this drug manifested felt a bit like the post-nausea come-up of MDMA.

(T+1:35 or redose T+0:35)
This is a complex drug. I can feel the entactogenic effects that are akin to MDMA, but much more subtle. When using MDMA, I know for a fact that if I take a step back and realise what I am doing, and that I am pretty much fucked up. Not that I care usually. 3-FA is nothing like this. While I notice that the effects are working, the headspace is mild. Its more-so of a gentle nudge to keep doing what I'm doing instead of my body screaming that I must keep going.
While I notice that the effects are working, the headspace is mild. Its more-so of a gentle nudge to keep doing what I'm doing instead of my body screaming that I must keep going.

Tactile intensification is extremely noticeable. Touch with intention feels very sensual, and my libido is definitely increased. A great degree of vasoconstriction is felt, and my body feels very light in the physical sense, and my friend concurred. While going outside for a smoke and to chill, I can feel my heart is racing abnormally fast. I feel myself becoming more talkative, and my affect for people is greatly increased. A woman I spoke to was talking about her battling cancer, and I nearly wept when I hugged her. Besides that, ego was inflated as well, and I could do basically anything if I put my mind to it.

I was not agitated. I could feel some serotonergic activity, but not much. I felt amazing.

This was also the moment I reached a plateau, and I basically kept feeling this way for another hour or so. I decided that I should redose once more, since I was intending to go on for a longer while. I ingested another 20 milligrams and gave my friend approximately 15 milligrams. And yes, the concoction I had brewed tasted worse than the devil sperm. 3-MMC is disgusting but you get used to it. You don’t get used to this.

(T+2:30 or 1st redose T+1:15 and 2nd redose T+0:15)
This substance is gentle but very euphoric. Serotonergic activity was definitely felt to a greater degree. Chills were running down my spine, and I practically howled whenever the base or lights were being funky. I retracted my eyes to the ceiling and into the sky the moment someone gave me a slight massage. My perception of time was not suppressed, instead, it felt like a longer time had passed than actually passed. The love for my friends reached a climax, and I felt that I was loved by everyone in the room. No new effects were felt except for an exacerbation of the previously mentioned effects. The headspace, again, was mild. I did not feel like I was fucked up, nor did I feel that I was looking fucked up.

(T+3:15 or 1st redose T+2:00 and 2nd redose T+1:00)
After some while, tiredness struck. It comes up very gradually. I had been tired throughout the day, and decided that it would be best not to redose anymore but let the effects water out gently and go home whenever the fatigue became over encumbering. A slow decline was felt in all effects, likely exacerbated due to fatigue.

(T+4:15 – after this point, all the times afterwards will be of the point of first ingestion.)
Fatigue was felt. The encouragement to keep dancing still felt noticeable, but my head, body, and mind were informing me that it would be best to stop and walk home, which was still a 30-minute walk. I signaled my friend to leave, smoked a final cigarette, and walked home. A pleasurable walk home, with nice conversations. Conversations were still easy to start, uphold, and continue. I felt very happy to have been able to do this with my friend. We talked about our shared experiences regarding the substance.

We take a photo with flash together for a pupil check. While they are somewhat enlarged, this could also have occurred because it was dark. No abnormal pupils.

Suddenly, I feel very tired, inform my friend that I feel tired, and stop talking as much. We took a detour, but were now back at the hostel, and were going to to go sleep to get some rest.

I get out of bed at 7:00 AM. I did not feel tired, but rather wakeful. My heart was absolutely racing, and I felt very warm. These palpitations were probably the worst thus far after ingesting it. When borrowing the smartwatch from a friend who was informed of our usage, it showed that my resting heart rate was still well above 120bpm. Chills were running down my spine while I showered, and did not feel comfortable. These were probably due to the serotonergic activity. Appetite is suppressed, but it felt much gentler than that of regular amphetamine, MDMA, or LSD. I was feeling nauseous due to hunger. I was famished. This made eating some food all the more important, and after the first bite of some food it became apparent that eating was much easier than expected.

My mouth was dry. No amount of water or fruit juice could quench my thirst. Quite paradoxically, even though I was awake for more than 24 hours at this point, absolutely no anxiety or comedown was felt. I just felt tired. It was probably made worse due to not being able to sleep.

(T+11:00 to 18:00)
Heart palpitations, vasoconstriction, and blood pressure seem to disappear suddenly. Fifteen minutes ago, I mentioned to my friend that I still had a racing heart, but at the next given moment a short while later, everything was gone. I was tired. Cognitive fatigue set in. Hunger set in too, and felt like I could eat a mountain of fruit. Words were significantly more difficult to think of, and expressing myself felt like a challenge. Weirdly, comedown was felt. No anxiety, depression, or negative thoughts occurred during this phase. It felt more like an afterglow. It should be noted however, that I was being extremely content with the circumstances. I was with my friends on a trip I planned myself, in the sunny warmth of a May afternoon, smoking a cigarette while standing in knee-deep in the cool waters of a shallow creek, surrounded by friends.

(T+18:00 to 24:00)
I felt a paradoxical amount of energisation. Even though I had been awake for more than 40 hours, I had not felt this happy in months. Again, this could be due to the circumstances previously mentioned. I went to sleep, and was probably gone in less than a minute. While eating approximately 24 hours after the first ingestion, I noticed how extremely tensed up my jaws were. The bruxism and teeth clenching were definitely on par to 3-MMC.
The bruxism and teeth clenching were definitely on par to 3-MMC.

(T+32:00-48:00 and the next day)
This day I felt a bit irritable, but nothing in particular. Things in the trip did not work out as planned and I was a bit frustrated regarding the matter. I was, again, tired. There was no motivation to do anything whatsoever. Thinking was a bit difficult, as was writing this trip report, haha.

Even though a great degree of serotonergic activity was felt during the ‘trip’, no comedown or ‘suicide Tuesday’ was noticed. Just lethargy, and tiredness. I have never had a drug this complex and potent with such an absent comedown. This is contrasted to my usage of MDMA, with which I took fewer than 75 milligrams, and felt suicidal for three days when the comedown started.

Looking back/conclusion
3-FA is wonderful, potent, complex, and interesting drug. One of the most fun I have ever tried.
-FA is wonderful, potent, complex, and interesting drug. One of the most fun I have ever tried.
Its profile is akin to a very light MDMA which gradually develops into effects akin to amphetamine. Though I have never tried 4-FA, I feel like the effects could be quite similar. No comedown was felt.

This substance is fantastic. Never felt a potent compound that left me so speck-free.I feel that it is working, but I also feel that I do not look fucked up while using it. My friends who were not using (probably) did not notice that we had used the drug.

I give this substance a 9-9.5/10. Simply fantastic. I wish I had found this substance earlier.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117317
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Aug 8, 2023Views: 813
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3-Fluoroamphetamine (680), Sleep Deprivation (140) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), Multi-Day Experience (13), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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