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Dreamy Heaven-Like State
Kratom & Lorazepam
Citation:   Chaoliks. "Dreamy Heaven-Like State: An Experience with Kratom & Lorazepam (exp117581)". Oct 7, 2023.

T+ 0:00
4 g oral Kratom  
  T+ 0:50 4 g oral Kratom  
  T+ 0:50 .5 mg oral Pharms - Lorazepam (pill / tablet)
Hello, first I wanted to say that I have pretty much no tolerance to Kratom, I take it once a month, and zero tolerance to Lorazepam since it's the first time I've taken it.

Today is the first day of the festival of Mercé (Barcelona's biggest festival) and originally I planned to go with friends, but eventually we ended up not going today, so I wanted to chill at home and take some Kratom and Lorazepam.

At 20:00 I took 4g of Kratom while gaming on my computer and waited for it to take effect.

The 4g of Kratom took effect at 20:45 since I have almost no tolerance and I was feeling very calm, energized and euphoric, so I considered redosing some more, that's when I took some more.

I prepared another dose (totaling 8g of Kratom) with some orange juice to make it better and took it at around 20:50, I sat down in bed and saw a 1mg lorazepam pill and decided that I'll take half (0.5mg) and I laid on bed to wait for it.

It was 21:05 when I noticed the very chill and calming effects of the Lorazepam, it felt crazy good, and I know there was SOME placebo because I was very excited for the effects. How I felt can be described as when you're dreaming, almost like you weight more, the temperature on my body feels perfect and I get tingles every now and then.

22:00 and I feel the full effects of everything I took and man it feels amazing, crazy sensations all around my body and tingles here and there, my body feels heavy but still feels like I'm floating. I put on some music, specifically Flashcore which hits very nice with this type of experience since it's very trippy and psychedelic-like.

22:00 and I'm listening to the music so deep and calm that It's almost psychedelic, I can see the beats, feel the kicks in my body and sense every single detail of it... It's a completely new experience for me.

I love it and now I know that it's totally safe and very calm to do this combination.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117581
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Oct 7, 2023Views: 15
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Kratom (203), Pharms - Lorazepam (79) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Music Discussion (22), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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