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Citation:   Themxeking. "Lifesaver: An Experience with 3-MEO-PCE, 3-MeO-PCP & 3-HO-PCP (exp117699)". Jan 11, 2024.

T+ 0:00
  repeated insufflated 3-MEO-PCE (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 30 mg insufflated 3-MEO-PCE (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 15 mg insufflated 3-MeO-PCP (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 15 mg insufflated 3-HO-PCP (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:30 1 bump insufflated 3-MEO-PCE (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:30 1 bump insufflated 3-MeO-PCP (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:30 1 bump insufflated 3-HO-PCP (powder / crystals)
Mood before journey: depressed, hopeless, angry, apathetic. Ready to jump, woke up hopeless everyday for two weeks with one or two reasons to live, brain chemicals were all scrambled... drug abuse can be ugly when you get clean. Warning doses are extreme: tolerance to this class is permanent and I do not recommend more then once a month.

Before this trip, I had got clean from norflurazepam and odsmt. A combo I don’t recommend for daily use, not my first bout with physical addiction to either class. I had been clean about two weeks after a taper, it was not pleasant. It had put me in a suicidal and homicidal headspace- coming off benzos and opis- now in a much better place.

Anyways the good part- the perfect hole…

This day I received a gram vial of 3 meo pce from the NL and I had stashed a little of the other two substances (3 meo pcp / 3 ho pcp). I was first drawn to this wonderful therapeutic class that must be respected or will lose your marbles in my experience. Prior experience in this class includes (mxe, Mxm, mxp, Dxm, 3 meo pce, 3 meo pcp, 3 meo pce, 3 cl pcp , 3 ho pcp, dck, 2fdck, racemic ketamine, s ketamine, ephenidine (imo grossly underrated), Diphenidine, fxe, and nitrous oxide, all in vary varying doses low to very high doses. I have abused dissos daily for a number of years for the benefits of having decreased chronic pain and I find them more effective than typical “anti-depressants”.
I have abused dissos daily for a number of years for the benefits of having decreased chronic pain and I find them more effective than typical “anti-depressants”.
I have ingested over 81 compounds. 3 meo-pce/ pce and mxe being top 10.

0:00 Anyways on this day I had opened the package and started taking 3-5 mg bumps of 3 meo-PCE.

1:00 Wow I had missed this Chem, colors were BRIGHTER. My desire to jump off my deck into the pool had lessened. Music sounded unique, BEATS were felt throughout my whole body. I turned on reggae, hip hop, drum n base, and dubstep. Time started to slow down. The constant aching and throbbing in my poor feet started to subside. I felt at home. To most of my friend, this substance is too alien.

Everything is vibrant, I turn the tunes up LOUD and began dancing. I missed this substance like an ex who left without a reason. I had run about 30-50 trials from 2014-2018 before it was no longer on menus (3 meo pce).

2:00 Home at last I take another few bumps, I turn the tunes up LOUDER. Colors get more VZiBRANT. My pain in my feet has been eliminated. My headspace is clear but it has a psychedelic mindset who are not versed in both psychedelics and dissociatives. I start to think about the next step. I start to overcome hurdle in my head.

3:00- I can’t believe I am clean besides the 3 meo pce. I put down a 50 mg pile. It’s time to go deeper. I dig around disorientated. I weigh up roughly ~15 mg of 3 ho pcp and 3 meo pcp, and another ~30 mg 3 meo pce. I’m going for the hole. I don’t recommend trying to hole on these 3 substance but it is possible. Extremely experienced psychonauts.

4:30 After these piles, the synergy is other worldly. I began to have problems walking. I take a few more bumps using a magical spoon I have. I smile big. I sink into the hole. I am stuck. I get scared and afraid. The hole can always be a journey. I take one more bump of 3 ho pcp, 3 meo pce, and 3 meo pcp. I turn on some heavy drum n bass. I start to hallucinate. This hole is gorgeous colorful vivid. All thoughts of suicide have subsided. I explore the hole. Colorful, bright, powerful, adventurous, tricky, infinite is how I would describe this hole.

12:30- Wake up 8 hours later ready for bed. The duration on these chems is no joke. Take 10 mg norflurazepam and 2 mg diclazepam. My head hurts. I don’t wanna die. I feel invisible. I talked with a spiritual being. I saw the ceiling open up. The hole was infinite I feel depleted. I feel excited and nervous. I feel as I had went to the end of the earth and back. I sleep and wake up. Thanks 3 meo pcp/ pce from saving me from a very very dark place.

[Reported Dose Totals: "120 mg 3 meo PCE, 20 mg 3 meo pcp, 20 3 ho pcp"]

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117699
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jan 11, 2024Views: 14
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3-MEO-PCE (536), 3-MeO-PCP (558), 3-HO-PCP (838) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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