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A Surprisingly Cognitive Dissociative
Citation:   ceganoodle. "A Surprisingly Cognitive Dissociative: An Experience with Fluorexetamine (exp117756)". Jan 12, 2024.

T+ 0:00
30 mg insufflated Fluorexetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:20 20 mg insufflated Fluorexetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:50   inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
[Erowid Note: All samples of material sold as Fluorexetamine (FXE; 3-Fluoro-2-oxo PCE) and analyzed by Erowid's DrugsData service have contained other compounds, usually 2-Fluoro-2-oxo PCE.]
Context/Intent: One of my best friends from college was in town. After getting off work, I decided it would be a good idea to try FXE with her and my other friend from college (who lives locally). We have always had good social chemistry, and I felt comfortable trying a new compound around them.

Note: No timer was used for this trip, nor did I intend to document it at the moment. Therefore, I’ll be giving rough time stamps

0:00 - Snorted Around 30mg

0:10 - Comeup occurs, very similar to ketamine. But I can already recognize this is distinct; stimulating, and more coherent.

0:20 - I snort about 20mg more

0:25 - I notice the discolorations in the paint on my friend's walls. They appear Rorschach-like, not moving in any way, nor are foreign colors generated. The contrast is simply greater.

0:35 - Anxiety kicks in around here. Listed are the following conundrums I was feeling, in an almost looping pattern: 1) Anxiety over having done something unprofessional at work that would result in my termination (I didn’t, but I believe ingesting FXE less than 30 minutes after leaving work created a strange overlap in intention and setting). 2) Anxiety over the duration of the experience, given there is little to be read on the compound online. 3) Anxiety that my partner was mad at me, or was doing something behind my back (we recently had a fight on the subject of dissociatives a few weeks prior, so I likely felt guilty for doing it again. Granted my pattern of use wasn’t really the core of the argument, rather babble I made about exes while in a K-hole).

This anxiety is rather controllable but very present. It made it hard to socialize with my friends for a time. Conversely, my friends were having a great time.

0:40 - I try to call my partner but can’t reach her. This spikes my anxiety higher.

0:50 - I take a nitrous balloon to relax with friends. Synergy is great, and I go on a non-serious philosophical rant about the subjectivity of philosophy (ie “Everyone’s full of shit in someone else's eyes).

1:00 - I get a hold of my partner, she is on the phone with her friends. We talk a bit and she agrees to come hang out. I’m elated and find it far easier to relax.

1:10 to 1:40 - I chill and listen to music with friends. We marvel at our ability to communicate coherently on this dissociative. Yet we also acknowledge it’s not nearly as relaxing as ketamine
it’s not nearly as relaxing as ketamine
. Given our stimulated states and curiosities for compounds hardly documented (such as the one we were on), we opt to crack open Tikhal and Pikhal and occupy ourselves with reading some of Shulgin's more obscure trip reports.

1:45 - My partner comes over, we embrace and I take a shower.

2:00 - I’m a bit stoned, notably on the comedown

2:30 - More or less feel at baseline

4:30 - Despite feeling sober, sleep comes harder than usual.

Conclusion: An overall fun substance. But unlike ketamine (the only other dissociative I’m experienced with), I feel it requires more of myself and would need to be used again with more attention to set and setting. I remember stating it’s “75% Dissociative, 25% Psychedelic”. Also notably more cohesive and barely encumbering on my motor system (i.e. “No Wonkyness”).

Subjective Scales (1-6)
Effect Index Intensity Scale: 3
Visuals: 2
Introspection: 3
Cohesion: 3
Body Load: 1
Spirituality/Mysticism: 2

Noted Subjective Effects
Physical: Mouth Numbing, Pupil Dilation

Cognitive: Analysis Enhancement, Emotion Intensification, Empathy Enhancement, Immersion Enhancement, Increased Music Appreciation, Personal Meaning Enhancement, Thought Acceleration, Wakefulness,

Sensory: Brightness Alteration, Gustatory Suppression

[Reported Dose: ''FXE (Approx 50mg Insufflated), Nitrous (3 Balloons From a Tank)'']

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117756
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jan 12, 2024Views: 15
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Fluorexetamine (967) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3), General (1)

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