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A Long Happy Ride
Citation:   Maison. "A Long Happy Ride: An Experience with AMT (exp11777)". Jan 11, 2002.

T+ 0:00
2 tablets oral Dimenhydrinate  
  T+ 0:45 52 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
My life is full of remarkable chance encounters which sometimes become dictate significant and fundamental changes in how I make myself. I pick up a book and read it, end up in Seattle. Fall in love, wind up in graduate school. In this case, I went out for some booze and fell in love with psychedelics.

I asked a friend J, (who later became a lover) out for a drink one evening, and since she already had plans with her boyfriend S (who later became one of my favorite people) she invited me along. At this point in my life, I'd tried only a bit of pot (which I dislike) some acid, and some ecstacy (which I enjoy, but was reaching the end of what it could teach me). Somewhere in the conversation AMT came up. Now I had heard a bit of this wonder tonic and mentioned that it was something that I'd like to try someday. Imagine my surprise when he suggested that I do some with him the next Saturday.

I showed up at his apartment on a bright crisp morning with one other Friend M. This was the winter of 2000, the beginning of the end of the Internet economy. I'd just heard the first of the rumors of company wide layoffs and had a bit of nervousness in me that I might be among them. I'd assumed (thinking of acid and mdma) that the drug would be a good diversion from this. It turned out to be much more.

We all took a couple of dramamines (i'm told that papaya enzyme pills are good too, but I don't know which enzyme) as soon as we showed up, and then the amt about 45 minutes later in doses from 40 to (I think 80). S and J threw up about an hour in (I'm told that if you fast, the drug will be safely in your blood within half an hour and that one can throw up and still get the effects, but I just don't like throwing up). M and I experienced only a bit of nausea. My nausea went away at exactly 2 hours on the trip clock and as I looked up, I realized that the ceiling was moving.

We sat around for a bit and then started walking. We wound up on the top of Capitol hill (in Seattle) and did a fair amount of trying to figure out how to get into a tower in a park there. We finally came to the conclusion that the chain and padlock on the door meant that we were not going to go in. M and S had been very chatty this whole time and J and I just followed along behind.

I'm not sure when, but at some point the whole issue of layoffs and financial security came into focus. I was made aware somehow that it was really quite a trivial issue. I had my friends, my health, and if necessary the people that I care about would make sure that I had a roof over my head and food to eat.

We had a nice walk back to M's house as the sun set behind the mountains. Everything was beautiful and fascinating in a child-like way. We got into M's hottub when we got there. Dear gods did it feel good to be wet. Warm... slippery... and surrounded by cold air. Watching the vapors of my breath disperse into the night was quite fascinating. M and S were still talking a mile a minute, sometimes asking me deep emotional questions which I would answer very briefly. Talking seemed too difficult and not necessary to me and J and I mostly stayed quiet. We got out of the hottub, watched a movie (Head). People came and went from M's house through the evening. Started to wind things down (at about 2 am) with a bit of nitrous at M's house. Then a bit more at S's flat where I fell asleep (it was about 6 am by then). The total trip time was a respectable 18 hours.

The thing I love most about this drug is the leisurely, unhurried feeling about it. It has some of the warmth of mdma, but none of the sense that I have to get all my snuggling, talking, and smooching done in a few hours. It has some of the hallucinogenic properties of lsd, but unlike lsd, it doesn't feel like the drug is pushing me anywhere so much as following me. When I finally woke up late the next day I felt happy and refreshed. The trees and the sky were very beautiful and I'm generally in love with life. This is a good, good compound; full of warmth and good lessons.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 11777
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2002Views: 7,436
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AMT (7) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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