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Fighting Psychosis
Delta-8-THC (edible)
by Nex
Citation:   Nex. "Fighting Psychosis: An Experience with Delta-8-THC (edible) (exp118309)". Sep 3, 2024.

1 oral delta-8-THC (edible / food)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I shouldn't have let my roommates talk me into it. It had been a bad situation the entire time I'd lived there. I'd done various psychedelics with people in the past, so I knew the risks involved in doing strong psychoactive substances around the wrong people.
I'd done various psychedelics with people in the past, so I knew the risks involved in doing strong psychoactive substances around the wrong people.

My roommates had brought home extremely strong edibles from the smoke shop, 420mg per piece. I had been a daily weed user for several years, and used heavily while living there to deal with the stress and anxiety. I'd done strong concentrates before, but I was hesitant to take a full piece. My roommates both took one, goading me and telling me they weren't that strong and I should just take one. I was stressed, and out of flower that night, so I went against my better judgement. I ate a whole 420mg piece, and went back to my laptop. I can't remember exactly what time it was, but it was pretty late at night.

I talked to people on Discord while I waited for it to hit, like I'd done many times with smaller doses. I was a bit nervous on how I'd react, but I figured I could handle anything weed would throw at me.

I'd made a huge mistake. After about 30 to 45 minutes, I felt the high starting to hit. At first I didn't pay much attention to it, as I'd gotten so used to coming up on edibles. The climb kept going, faster than I was used to, and rapidly intensifying beyond what I was used to dealing with. I eventually had to get off Discord and went to lay down in my bed as the anxiety got stronger. It continued to get worse, until I realized I was going into full-blown psychosis.

I was scared of my roommates in general. They were unstable, and living with them had been difficult. That fear was the basis for the psychosis and intense terror that had wrapped itself around my mind. I kept hearing them talking in the kitchen. I became convinced that they were talking about me, mocking me, and that they planned to play a "joke" on me or punish me by having loud sex in the kitchen, or making a sex tape and making me watch it. My mind kept looping on that and I kept hearing them talk about it through my bedroom door. My rational mind was fighting for dear life, telling myself that I was just hearing things.

The few real things I heard was the wife teasing and subtly berating the husband, which was a regular occurrence. I became terrified that the husband, who was unpredictable and unstable on a good day, would snap in his incoherent state and take his frustration out on me. I was utterly terrified that he would come into the bedroom and sexually assault me, and I wouldn't be able to even try to fight back, or else I would be kicked out. The sex tape scenario and the assault scenario continued to loop in my mind while I laid in bed uncontrollably shaking and hyperventilating, desperately trying to rationalize through the thoughts.

I called my long time friend and told her I was having a bad reaction, and asked her to talk me down. I told her I couldn't tell if what I was hearing was real, and that I was convinced my roommates were going to do something sexual to me. She had me do some calming breathing and talked to me for a while. After we hung up, I decided the best way to combat the psychotic looping terror was to go out and see what they were up to. I went into the kitchen where they were hanging out and talking. I was still breathing heavily and couldn't calm down, and I couldn't go into detail about what I was looping on or why, all I could say was that I was having a very bad reaction and it was too much. The husband was nearly delirious and was having a hard time reading something on the dining room table. The wife was flabbergasted and couldn't figure out why I was so terrified. Seeing them both acting relatively normal helped the terror, since I was able to confirm to myself that they weren't plotting to do terrible things to me, but the anxiety persisted.

I went back to my room and got back in bed. The psychosis still had a grip on me, especially since my roommates were unpredictable, but it was easier to rationalize after confirming that what I was hearing wasn't really happening. All I could do was lay in bed shaking and trying to breathe through the terror until I was finally able to fall asleep.

This experience was the worst, most intense, terrifying thing I've ever experienced from weed. I bit off way more than I could chew. Know your limits and maintain your boundaries with them. Even something as common and mild as weed can send you into some very dark places. I was shaking so hard and for so long that I had full-body pain the next day.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 118309
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Sep 3, 2024Views: 15
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delta-8-THC (956), Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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