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Facts about 5-MeO-DMT from Experiences
Citation:   Mind Eclipse. "Facts about 5-MeO-DMT from Experiences: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp11897)". Erowid.org. Feb 11, 2002. erowid.org/exp/11897

  smoked 5-MeO-DMT (freebase)
Me and a friend of mine ordered 250 mg of 5-MeO-DMT and split it. Now, after numerous trials, I know a lot about this substance from my own personal exploration of it and from watching other people do it. After reading a lot of other experiences on this substance in its smoked form, I think its important for me to come foward and tell you a few truthful facts about this substance that other reports completely leave out.

I got 12-15 good trips (I lost count, I'm sorry I cant give you an exact amount) for me and my friends out of the 125 mg I got. The procedure we used for smoking this was VERY efficient... we simply took a funnel, made a dent in the center of a piece of tin foil, placed a toenail's amount of the white powder in the center of the dent, wrapped the foil around the large opening of the funnel, held a flame 1 inch below the foil to vaporize it, inhaled it as gradually as possible, and we held in each breath as long as we could.

One thing about 5-MeO is that it doesn't smell or taste as bad as its said to. People usually say it tastes and smells like burning plastic. IT DOES NOT. I really don't know what plastic's smoke would taste like, but this explanation of the taste degrades this substance's public image as far as I know. Honestly, the smoke is as bearable as pot smoke. In other words, if you've smoked a lot of cannabis in your day, you can probably withstand this smoke just as well. The smell, contrary to prior belief, is like grapes. YES, it is possible to smoke this indoors! The smell would not draw any suspicion or attention whatsoever and goes away quickly.

A key thing about getting the most out of this substance is to pack up your lungs as much as possible with it. It is also crucial to hold it in for a longer amount of time. This definately increases its intensity drastically. If you see smoke running out of your pipe or freebase device, you should really take advantage of it and inhale the smoke you left behind.

This is a warning: the onset is quicker than you think. Usually, I felt the drug's effects take hold without even exhaling yet. Compared to nitrous, its onset is like it but faster (not really faster, it just feels like it is) and harder, by far. This is why over-intense trips are reported. You will feel an immediate sense of time change, as in speediness (10 seconds feels like 1 second), the same general speediness that will be felt throughout the entire trip. The initial thought that was going on in my head the first time I tried it was one along the lines of, 'Oh fuck, I really fucked myself up this time, I'm gonna get stuck like this'.

But not to worry, further into the trip my thoughts would be more along the lines of, 'This is the greatest thing I've ever done in my life, I'm truly one of the luckiest people to be able to have access of such a powerful substance.' Friends of mine reported the same concept too, moving from regret to a complete mental euphoria.

The next state is very strange. I call it 'the void'. Everything looks a tint darker than it is, maybe even brighter to some, and the visuals are crazy but easily forgotten. The visuals are more intense than the psychdelic patterns seen on nitrous and sometimes pot. There are no hallucinations, but many acid like effects. Compared to acid, 5-MeO-DMT moves at a higher 'velocity' and the melting lava effects, that can be seen seen when staring at things, are much alike. Most reports I've read have claimed that during the void your eyes shut. The many times I've seen people in the void their eyes were wide open and completely dilated, but shut maybe for a short time. The heart will accelerate, too. The funny thing about this 'void' is that the more you tend to stare at one object, anything, the visuals intensify more; the thing will pop out of its surroundings at you and rotate and do all kinds of visual distortions and dances. If something moved across my vision field, I'd see a navy blue trail of the object.

Another thing I've noted in ALL the experiences that I've had or seen is the repetition of a single phrase. For me the phrase was, 'This is great!' For a good friend of mine, 'Where am I?', which was quite alike another guy i know... 'Where the fuck am I?' One kid I know just kept saying, 'Oh my God.' This is a characteristic with 5-MeO-DMT that no reports I've read have said anything about, except this one I read in Tihkal where a guy kept saying, 'This is complete euphoria.' Expect to repeat a phrase over and over.

One thing that's never reported either is the stomach feeling. For 30 seconds, and we have had no exceptions, this immediate need to throw up can be felt. The first time I 'had to' throw up, I ran to the bathroom and bent over to puke, but nothing ever happened after that, the sickness just disappeared. After a number of times of doing 5-MeO, when it comes time to 'puke', I simply tell myself, 'OK, here comes the part where I'm SUPPOSED to puke but I know I WONT.' Those who I've seen do 5-MeO all do the same thing towards the end, they run to the bathroom expecting to hurl, but never do.

'WHAT WAS THAT?' is the thought that goes through ones mind when that person baselines. 'THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!' is also very common.

So, I advise you to keep these concepts in mind when trying 5-MeO-DMT. Remember not to worry about overdose, and keep in mind the stages of the experience that I laid out for you. The experience itself is honestly so weird that its completely beyond words, I hope my words painted some sort of a picture, and I'll just leave it at that. You're in for quite a journey, and I hope you're ready for it.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 11897
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 11, 2002Views: 17,603
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