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Feeling Ill
Morning Glory
Citation:   Jesus. "Feeling Ill: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp11945)". Dec 8, 2004.

290 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
It's a well known rumor that morning glory seeds make you trip, until I met a friend of mines father, lets call the friend Matt and the father Dan had told me of his past experiences with morning glory seeds. Matt and another friend of mine, lets call him Tim had tried about 100-160 old seeds Dan had found and didn't trip off them.

Over the summer Dan had attempted to grow some morning glory seeds himself, but unfortunately he couldn't manage to get enough seeds to trip off of. After this failed attempt he decided to order a kilo of heavenly blues off of the internet along with some amanita muscaria caps.

After much patience and waiting, probably a month, maybe a little more or less the seeds finally arrived. For preparation Dan soaked three hundred overnight, they were still pretty hard the next day, but Matt is a fiend so he ate them anyways. Me and Tim decided to crush up and eat three hundred unsoaked seeds on the same day. After everyone (including Matt whose seeds were still pretty hard) crushed their seeds up with plyers we ingested them. I spent more time crushing my seeds than my other friends and left what I guess to be around 10 seeds in the container, because I ate the seeds slowly and they had already begun to expand in my stomach making me feel a little sick. After throwing the seeds on the ground, I went and chilled out. Some customers of ours stopped by while we were eating the seeds to buy some pot, after selling to them we all sat around and waited for the seeds to kick in. After Tim had eaten his seeds he ran back into my friends house for something, we were hanging out outside, by the way. This was a bad move. A few minutes later Tim puked up some of his seeds. This made me and Matt feel a little more sick.

After Tim puked he said his nausea was gone and he felt great. So, Matt goes inside and pukes himself. Unlike Tim he puked no seeds up, he ate them about 30 minutes before me and Tim. I was at the time beginning to feel paranoid that the seeds were a hoax and might be poisonous, so I tried to gag myself, though I failed to puke. Matt agreed with Tim that puking made him feel better. After several hours I was still feeling ill, while the trip even began to kick in. This was VERY uncomfortable. Might I add that I had eaten nothing but some candy that day before ingesting in the seeds. Their expanding in my stomach made me very dehydrated, because the seeds were soaking up all of the liquid in my stomach. After hours of drinking uncanny amounts of liquid I still felt ill, and I was beginning to trip even harder. The day proceeded and I was the only one still feeling ill.

Later that day, about 4-5 hours after I had ingested the seeds we went to Tim's house. His grandparents had cooked some spaghetti, but I felt too sick to eat. Finally I forced myself too, since I had not eaten that day. This was where things turned for the better. After eating all of my nausea had passed and I was feeling great, and beginning to enjoy my trip. We got back to Matt's and we began to smoke weed (which I had not done much of earlier since I felt if I smoked weed I might puke because of the state my stomach was in). After we smoked a few bowls and a blunt I felt like fucking God. I was tripping pretty good at this point and throughly enjoying it.

That night I stayed at Tims house, because I didn't want to go home to my annoying father while tripping. I tripped all night long, and I had eaten the seeds at 1-2 pm. I went to bed at around 2 still feeling the effects of the seeds, which were numbness and color hallucinations for the majority. The next day I had really no bad side effects, I felt unusually hungry, which was resonable since I had eaten little after the spaghetti, and a little spaced out.

Dan had some more seeds he had let soak longer than a day that were softer and were ingested by Tims brother. They didn't even make him sick at all. He took the same doseage as all of us, 300 seeds. A few days later Tim and Matt did the same and took more and didn't get sick at all.

I didn't eat anymore seeds because the sickness I experienced after the first few hours of ingesting them had produced too much of a displeasure in my mind for me to try them again. My experience with LSA had its ups and downs, but all and all it doesn't even begin to compare with the real shit, LSD, but is a good alternative if you live in a town where LSD is scarce, like we do. All and all I learned a lot from this experience and am glad to have tried them.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11945
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 8, 2004Views: 11,259
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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