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Universal Ecstasy
Morning Glory
by fin
Citation:   fin. "Universal Ecstasy: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp11957)". Oct 17, 2019.

210 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
After hearing and reading many reports both for and against the use of morning glory seeds, I decided to decide for myself. After I gained as much information as possible, I made a mature and informed decision about my body. I am so very grateful that I did.

Four of us each took about 6 1/2 packs of the Heavenly Blues. All we did was wash them, grind them and eat them, on pizza, and peanut butter sandwhiches. I was nauseaus at first, but after a couple of hours we set out on our journey. There is a nearby recreation area that is perfect. A giant forest full of lakes, and trees, and in the middle, a disc golf course. We played a couple of rounds and at sunset, this is when I began to trip extremely hard. We walked down the the lake and sat on the rocks right near the shore to smoke a bowl. It was so beautiful, Much of the lake was frozen and the ice was simply glowing. After a few minutes had gone by I found myself embarking on the single most mind altering, satisfying experience of my life. For the next hour or so I experienced a new level of thinking that was far beyond anything I had ever imagined. I was smarter and deeper than ever before, and I understood the universe for what it was.

The trees across the lake were breathtaking, the beauty was nearly so great that I almost couldn't stand it. I could feel waves of energy running through me that brought me knowledge, understanding and love for my world and life. As far as visuals, all that went on was the treetops weaving in and out of eachother when I concentrated on them. The lack of visuals and images didn't bother me at all, I was consumed by this gift I felt was from God. When we finally got up to leave, I noticed that nearly all of us were in tears. All we could do cheesy as it sound now, was embrace each other. No words were spoken until we nearly reached the end of the forest. So, for me the experience was elating. Virtually no sickness, just the best feeling I ever had. You would think that I would want to do it again ASAP, the truth is, I don't know if anything can beat that and I don't want to be dissapointed. There are things on this earth that can help us to further understand and appreciate our lives. These seeds are definitely one of them. I took part in mature and divine universal and self exploration, which was exactly what I needed at this point in my life.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 11957
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 17, 2019Views: 844
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Morning Glory (38) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Personal Preparation (45), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), General (1)

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