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Riding the White Horse
Citation:   Heroin. "Riding the White Horse: An Experience with Morphine (exp12035)". Jan 4, 2021.

4 bumps insufflated Morphine (powder / crystals)
I'm not a stranger to opiates, in no way. In fact, I've been doing them whenever they've been available to me. In no way am I an addict, mentally or physically. I'll do any opiate when I can get my hands on it, but when I do it's usually a small amount and it's rare that the chance even arises. Therefore, with my resources at current, it is very hard for me to obtain opiate drugs/medications. If I was ever in an area where I could obtain drugs like Heroin, Oxycontin, Vicodin, Percocet, etc, I would restrict myself to the weekends, or space my experiences with these drugs out far apart enough that I couldn't get addicted.

Mainly, all I do is smoke weed and take the occasional opiates. I did have my experiences with DXM maybe 25 times or so but all mainly low doses and spaced apart (Except for a few occasions). Basically, I feel that I have enough self control to stay out of danger. And when/if I buy, I always have a reliable source.

Me and my friend were going to the city near us to see if we could obtain some heroin. He had never done heroin before, but some of his friends there were hooked on it and injecting it. We obtained the heroin filled capsules for 10$ each. I bought two of them. We got back home about an hour later with our goodies. I sprinkled about 4 Q-tip's worth of heroin out on the table and snorted it with a dollar bill.

About 10-15 minutes after snorting it, I felt it like any other opiate, except stronger and without as many side effects. Suddenly I appreciate everything much more. I don't feel hungry at all, and I feel very warm (temperature wise) just like any other opiate except stronger. I can think more clearly, and I always say the right thing and feel talkative (and not like when I'm drunk, because I always seem like I do actually say the right thing. Perhaps because I can think more clearly because I'm not anxious AT ALL). Everything in general, just seems like it will be okay and life has an extremely positive outlook. I can tolerate a lot more shit; school actually seems fun. I just enjoy who I am, and I enjoy where I am.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12035
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 4, 2021Views: 977
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Morphine (211) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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