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England Made Better :)
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   Darren. "England Made Better :): An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp12071)". Jan 19, 2007.

1 tablet   MDMA (pill / tablet)
I'm Darren, I live in the north east of england and during september 2001 I took E for the first time. Now I don't wanna sound like I'm at some type of AA meeting but you know the drill, yeah? Young lad goes out with mates, is offered drugs, accepts, everyone has a good time, the end. Well not me!

I've always been a very physical type of person, enjoyed sports (kickboxing is the ultimate) had the greatest parents you could ever wish for and had great friends.
They're not my real parents but that's another story. I'd always been impassive about drugs, never really cared either way but one night I got talking to one of my mates. Knows a cool lad in newcastle, dealer, who'd been giving him E for the past few weeks. His description of it is as follows...

'It's like you on the runway, the engines are on and you move, building up speed gradually until you take off. It's like the feeling u get in your stomach just as the plane leaves the ground but for about 3 hours. You'll love everyone and if u start babbling your life story to me if u try it then I'm throwing u back at the dancefloor!' :)

Fair enough, I thought.

So saturday night comes, go to bar, meet up with buds and then the words I smile at even now 'I got some, if u want it. No prob if u don't, just tell me if u do'

I think it was the fact I wasn't pushed or forced that I thought, fuck it.

30 minutes later and the rest is history! my face and legs began tingling, I felt giddy and excitable. It wasn't until we hit the club that, BANG! I was away. Now I used to be a complete metaller , 'dance music sucks, boom boom boom shit' was my usual favourite saying but I was off. The dance floor was mine man, I felt I had so much rythmn and love and I just never wanted the night to end. The lights were for me, the strobe was for me, I'd just made 500 new friends in 10 minutes and I wanted to live forever!

For me, as I started to comedown I still felt amazingly chilled and aware. I had time for everyone and anything. Nothing fazed me! It was my first time on drugs and I wasn't hooked, but I knew it was gonna become a clubbin thing for me. I'd never even smoked before!

It wasn't until the next day I'd realized all my mates had stayed sober to look after me, and I couldn't thank them enough. Life is good now, I can concentrate better on everything, work is tolerable and I feel like I have more purpose, drive and direction.

E is good, life is better.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12071
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 19, 2007Views: 1,434
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