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Strobe in the Woods
LSD, Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   superbeast. "Strobe in the Woods: An Experience with LSD, Cannabis & Alcohol (exp12152)". Jan 15, 2021.

T+ 0:00
4 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  T+ 0:00 5 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  T+ 2:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  T+ 6:00 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (plant material)
O.K. I'm sure that I'm going to leave a lot of stuff out, but this is what I can remember about the WORST trip of my life. Some of my college friends had come down to chill with me for a few days during Christmas break. They brought some doses called 'jurrassic park' that had little pictures of dinosaurs on them. The friend who had supplied the hits said they were awesome, and the rest of us took him at his word. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

We had about half a sheet of this shit, and me being the experienced acid veteran that I was, decided to pop 4. My other friends took 2 each, and we decided to walk to the park to chill and wait for the acid to take effect. We had brought along some good weed, and a fifth of jack to help pass the time (lol) while waiting. It was around 6pm when we made it to the park. Well, we toked up and did a number on our bottle, and no one was really talking about the acid yet. I was starting to get pissed as it was now 7pm, I had taken 4 hits and felt nothing. I got up to take a piss behind a tree and then it hit me. It was fucking intense.

We were in the woods and suddenly everything started flashing like a strobe light had been turned on. Somehow I found my friends at a picnic table under a little pavilion in the center of the park and was like 'shit guys feel it yet?' They confirmed that they were too frying balls now (8pm now). This is where it starts getting freaky. I was into a lot of the cheesy 80's horror movies at the time, and we were in the woods. So I started seeing Jason from Friday the 13th running around in the trees with a machete.

I kept trying to warn my friends that we needed to get the hell out of here, but they'd just hand me a bowl and tell me to chill. The flashing strobe light effects were getting stronger and stronger, and I was having tunnel vision. After they convinced me that Jason wasn't really in the woods and reminded me I was on a shit load of acid, I decided to try to chill.
After they convinced me that Jason wasn't really in the woods and reminded me I was on a shit load of acid, I decided to try to chill.
I packed another bowl and smoked it to myself. Then I polished off the jack and decided to lay back on the bench of the picnic table to help me relax. It worked and I was like cool.

I laughed with everyone about how freaked I got over thinking Jason was gonna kill us and shit, and everything seemed like it was going to be all right. It was now about 12am btw. The flashing lights, however weren't subsiding at all. They were growing and growing with more intensity. It was cool as hell because I like strobes. But it was kinda scary too because I knew we were in the middle of the fucking woods and there couldn't possibly really be lights doing that.

At this point we decided it would be cool to relocate to my house. I was like 'just let me finish this cigarette'. I finished and attempted to sit up. Holy Shit! it hurt. I mean it really fucking hurt! My back felt like someone stabbed me or something. I totally couldn't sit up, or even move my legs. It sucked because my friends didn't know what to do to help. They just sat with me and talked to me trying to 'talk me down' I imagine. But I wasn't tweaking out. I couldn't fucking move!

I was literally paralyzed for about 2 hours. But it felt like an eternity and hurt like hell. That acid kicked my ass, and I read somewhere that the strobe patterns I was seeing all night was probably my central nervous system shutting down. Scary shit dude.

Exp Year: 1996ExpID: 12152
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 15, 2021Views: 1,101
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Alcohol - Hard (198), Cannabis (1), LSD (2) : Bad Trips (6), Combinations (3), General (1), Health Problems (27), Nature / Outdoors (23), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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