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I Did What?!?!?!
Alprazolam, Oxycodone, Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   Vanessa. "I Did What?!?!?!: An Experience with Alprazolam, Oxycodone, Cannabis & Alcohol (exp12188)". Jan 19, 2005.

1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  0.5 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (powder / crystals)
  2 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  1 tablet oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
    repeated oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  1 tablet oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
Take this as a story or a warning, or just a little advice. There's a little history that lead up to this whole thing. Maybe it'll explain why I was so 'off the chain'. First, I'm no kid. I'm a 32 year old, white, career person. I'm not any kind of sloucher dope fiend. I just party on the weekend once and awhile. On Thursday night my husband decided to shoot some pool in a tournament. He got stupid drunk and passed out in his truck. He didn't come home until 6:30am in the morning. I know from sources, that he was where he said he was, for all of you thinking he was off with some slut. That still didn't make me any less mad. Friday night he was going camping with the guys. I was going out with my girls. I had 1 blue Xanax and about 2 shots of Quervo Gold for later. I smoked a bowl, then about 9:30pm I left for the local small town bar. I ate half of my Xanax (pie as we call em) and drank the 2 shots. I didn't want to get too fucked up while driving. It takes about an hour for anything except acid to hit me, so I was safe. I got to the club and my girlfriend gives me a percocet I ate it and the other half of my pie. Goal for the night....Get Fucked Up Royally.

About an hour after this I found out my husband & the guys didn't go camping because of rain. They show up at the bar. I was pissed and told him not to talk to me. My girlfriend's husband gives me another blueberry pie. I must have ate it. I was drinking a lot (funny thing was that I only spent $10. I bought two shots, $4.50 EACH). I know of one guy that bought me a drink, after that I couldn't tell ya. In the meantime this young guy sits next to me while I was resting from dancing. I remember thinking that he isn't all that cute, but there was something he said that made me take an interest in him. I don't remember his name or what he looks like all that much. I remember telling him thank you several times because he kept telling me how beautiful I was. I get that a lot so it wasn't the compliments, it was something else. I just can't remember what. Could be where I got the rest of the drinks for the night. That may have made him interesting at the time. I do remember dancing with my friends when he came up behind me and he put his face near my neck. That's when my husband told him to quit pawing his wife. I didn't know I was being pawed!

I don't know what I said to people that night. I do remember saying that I'd sure like to have a joint. To top it off, 2 people that I work with were in the bar that night (I try not to show my wild side at work). My husband, give the guy a hand, apparently put up with this behavior and did not even beat my fan to a pulp, which he normally would have done. Of course the next day he told me about the half of a morphine patch he'd had. Maybe that was why violence didn't come into play.

Anyway, the next thing I remember was standing in my bedroom and my husband handing me the slinkiest gown I have. Then waking up VERY pissed off because he was leaving to go camping again, and he was telling me that I'd sat with this guy for 2 hours at the bar. He said my fan kept putting his hands on my back and stuff. I didn't believe him and got so mad I threw all of his clothes out and told him not to come back. Now this gets more interesting. Sometime Friday night I bought another half pint of Quervo because it was on the table. At about noon I opened it and drank the whole thing. Result=Fucked Up again daisey! I called my girl and she came and got me. I had all intentions of going out again to show him a thing or two. After I got to her house she told me that Friday night I'd left the bar with her husband and my #1 fan tried to follow me but was told to go away. I think he was on some serious drugs too. I apparently went to her house and locked myself in the bathroom for awhile. I don't remember being there at all. She confirmed that this guy & I were very cozy for about 2 hours. They thought I knew him.

After I sat around and watched a movie I sobered up, went & got something to eat and decided that I was a terrible mother for even thinking about getting tore up and going out two nights in a row. I went and rented a movie. Left my wallet there even though I was sober (I think) at this time. Went back and got it, then picked up my kids about 40 min. later from my mothers house and went home. I watched a movie and went to sleep. I let my husband back in Sunday morning and helped put his clothes back. I think my emotions were out of wack.

Today is Monday and I am very frustrated that I have a whole night that I don't remember. Thank Heaven I had my friends and my husband there because I could have done anything with anyone and not known it! I will not ever take more than one pie again. I will never do that without being with my husband so he can take care of me. I really don't like being that tore up. What's the fun if you don't remember?

If you're thinking about drinking and taking Xanax, PLEASE have someone you trust with you. Do not think that just because you do drugs a lot that you're immune to this kind of thing. I can honestly say that I have NEVER EVER been that fucked up, EVER. And people think Extasy is bad. HA! I laugh. I've ate 6 beans in 6 hours before and NEVER been that out of my mind!!!!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12188
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 19, 2005Views: 37,466
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Pharms - Alprazolam (98), Alcohol (61) : Overdose (29), Relationships (44), Combinations (3), Club / Bar (25)

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