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Hits Below The Belt
Citation:   Mr. Baster. "Hits Below The Belt: An Experience with Cannabis (exp12201)". Jan 22, 2021.

1 cup rectal Cannabis (tea)
It all started one day when one of my friends heard on a radio interview that the band 'Sublime' said that the best high could be had from marijuana tea injected anally with a turkey baster. Being huge pot lovers and also lovers of Sublime, we felt we had to try it. It took a few weeks before it was the right time, but one night while we were shopping, three of us bought turkey basters and the plan was under way.

We started with some various homegrown schwag we had and threw about a half ounce in a pot along with the twigs and beaners to soak up any THC we could. We used the cheapest pot we had just in case it didn't work, we then filled the pot with water to about the top of the level of the leaves. We put it on the stove to boil, stirring in about a stick of butter (not margarine) along the way because the fat helps to absorb the THC.

Once it started to get scalding hot, we left it on the fire for around an hour. We then strained out all of the leaves and sticks using a regular kitchen strainer. Then it took about 20 min to a half hour for the tea to cool down. What we were left with was a slightly warm, ugly brown, buttery tea. It tasted pretty much like pot, but we just tasted it, didn't drink it. We split up the tea and poured it equally into three plastic disposable cups. These cups held about 8 ounces and were pretty much filled to the brim. So we had our tea and our basters, and an open bathroom.

We made sure not to let the tea get to lukewarm because it would be too cold to put in our asses. I was the first out of the three of us basically cause I did most of the arranging and I was anxious to see what it was like. I got undressed, went in the shower, filled my turkey baster full, which held most of the cup of tea. Now the thing that most people don't realize is that in a cramped shower, its not all that easy to get a turkey baster in the asshole far enough so the tea doesn't fall out. I kneeled and put the baster in from around my back, I chose this so the gravity would help hold it in.

I took one deep breath, let my pride out while I exhaled, and squeezed the grey rubber end of the turkey baster. The interesting part was that it wasn't painful. When the tea was actually in my ass, I couldn't even feel it. We had talked before about how we should hold it in so more absorbs. I held it in my ass as I walked to the toilet. By the way, it doesn't take much effort at all to keep the tea in. Overall I held it in for about 2 minutes, which understandably were very slow minutes.Then I relaxed and pissed the pot tea out of my ass.

Now I thought the effects would be instantaneous, but at first I just felt weird. Maybe a little weirded out at what I had just done. I came out of the bathroom and the next person went. There were only three of us out of our friends that actually had the balls to do it, one other person wanted to but we ran out of tea and fresh basters. Everyone else thought it was really disgusting but nonetheless interesting. Its one of those things I had the chance to do, I couldn't pass up cause one never knows when the next time something like this will come around. There was no pain to speak of after the experience but the high was a different sort of high.

The high started to come on about a half hour after I put it in my ass. The effects were similar to taking a drug, not smoking pot. There was a definite coming up, plateau, and come down. Kind of weird like that. The coming up felt a lot like the coming on of a DXM trip. A little dizziness, light headedness, disorientation. Then at around 45 minutes after I began feeling really fucking high, which was pretty awesome. This lasted a few hours and by then I started smoking pot and drinking so its hard to say when the stuff in the ass finally wore off.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12201
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 22, 2021Views: 1,026
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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