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Cats and Dogs Aren't Real
Salvia divinorum Tincture
Citation:   Sphere. "Cats and Dogs Aren't Real: An Experience with Salvia divinorum Tincture (exp12217)". May 31, 2002.

  sublingual Salvia divinorum (extract)
One of my most recent Salvia experiences brought me into a dream. I dreamed that I was someone else; that I was a young kid who had fallen onto the road and got some dirt in my eyes. My father was helping me up, he helped me wipe the earth out of my eyes. As he was doing so, this reality, this place, this Earth disappeared, wiped away by his handkerchief as he helped remove the dirt from my eyes.

I saw my Earthly reality as a dark stained mark on that white cloth in his hand and it all pulled away from me as withdrew the cloth and crumpled it up closing it in his fist. He said, 'you know, you ought to be careful not to let that earth get in your eyes. If you do, you soon loose all contact with who you really are, getting all wrapped up in that strange place believing that it is real.' Then he said 'You can live a life time there and not know that it is just earth in your eyes.' The thought then occurred to me how strange the experience was, that I actually had a whole life in that place, a place that had such things as cats and dogs.

I thought that it was all very weird, nothing like that really existed. I was glad to be back to reality, as a kid in my fathers arms and that the Earth was just a dream. Then I was back, more earth in my eyes again. Cats and dogs are real again!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12217
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2002Views: 9,372
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), General (1)

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