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Dizzy, Sluggish, Sick
Cannabis (extract)
Citation:   Talin. "Dizzy, Sluggish, Sick: An Experience with Cannabis (extract) (exp12238)". May 31, 2002.

1.5 g oral Cannabis (extract)
It all began with my search for a healthier way of consuming the active ingredient in weed/hash: THC. Even using a bong was kinda hard om my throat since I have a mild form of asthma, so I tried various ways of consuming weed/hash. Hot chocolate milk with hash, weed butter, alcohol drinks, I tried it all but somehow they never worked the way they should with me. So finally after reading trough some scientific articles about extracting THC for medical purposes I stumbled upon methods for getting pure THC.

Although these methods were way too difficult/expensive for me to perform at home, using acetone which is highly flammable and concentrated sulfuric acid for example, I learned about a proces called decarboxylation: much of the THC in hemp is present in the form of the biologically inactive tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. By heating you can convert the THC acid (THCS) into THC and CO2. So after some thinking about ways too get that done I decided to use common olive oil as a carrier and way of heating for the THCS to convert into THC.

I ended up making a mixture of about 1 gram hash, 1 gram weed in a few tablespoons olive oil which I heated to 180 degrees celcius for about an hour till no more bubbles of CO2 appeared. And since a friend of mine swears by drinking olive oil as a way to avoid hangovers after drinking too much, I decided it couldn't be that bad to drink a bit of this mixture pure. Was I ever wrong.... first of all it tasted horrible! Even now, months later I still have shivers thinking about it... Somehow I managed to drink about three quarters of the mixture before I just couldn't take anymore. Far too much I realise now, but at that moment I wanted to really feel something unlike my other unsuccesfull attempts with the consuming of THC.

But, after an hour or two when the effects really started to kick in it seemed to have worked just great. I had the heaviest trip ever with tingles in my toes, fingers and the top of my nose but nothing I couldn't handle. After an hour or 5 however I became tired so I decided to sleep early. Like always I didn't have any trouble going to sleep and I can't even remember hitting the pillow with my head. Yet somehow it was a very restless and confusing night and when I finally did wake up (14 hours later!) I felt worse than ever... I just felt so dizzy, sluggish, sick and ready to puke that only getting from my bed must have taken me about half an hour. When I finally did make it to the bathroom, I had to lie down.

There I fell asleep again for an hour or two... The rest of the day I hardly can remember. I managed to eat something and for the rest I just sat quietly in a chair moving as little as possible to avoid puking from the dizziness. I wasn't tripping anymore, I just felt sick. And I kept feeling sick for the next three days! The days were just a blur... hours passing by, half sleeping, half awake. Finally after THREE days I was able to think clear and walk straight again.

I doubt that this information will be of much use for anyone who smokes weed/hash since I think it would be impossible to get as much THC in your body like I had that way. But a word of warning to the people that are experimenting with consuming weed/hash or extracting pure THC (honey oil and the likes): you should take into consideration that it can be unexpected strong. Really start with a low dosage since you can't compare it with smoking weed/hash and it can take you on surprise easily. Especially since you don't expect it from something as mild as weed.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12238
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2002Views: 21,503
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