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Taste of Space
Morning Glory & Cannabis
Citation:   Isaac. "Taste of Space: An Experience with Morning Glory & Cannabis (exp12251)". Oct 3, 2004.

T+ 0:00
200 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  T+ 1:15 0.5 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Being someone open to new experiences, I’ll give things a try now and then. After being referred to Erowid by a friend, I did a lot of reading and some of the legal and readily available psychotropic substances caught my eye. Primarily Nutmeg and Morning Glories. The two-day trip associated with Nutmeg in my mind made it obvious that I would need to set some serious time aside for such an experience, so I instead chose Morning Glories for the trip I will now detail in the report.

My reading brought me to the final conclusion that 200 seeds would make a decent dosage for a first trip and so my friend (Jordan) and I went to the local hardware/gardening store. I decided on Heavenly Blue variety Morning Glory Seeds based on the overwhelming praise they receive in many of the reports over other breeds such as Pearly Gates and Flying Saucers (I have noted that all the variety names seem to have names which hint at their potential as psychoactives). Jordan and I then bought 4 packs each at $1.49 a piece totaling around 6 bucks with tax and all. The packs of seeds averaged 60-70 seeds per pack so I took a cutting board and carefully counted them into piles of 10 and then grouped them in little pill vials. Later that night I put one of the doses into a glass jar with a generous dollop of dish detergent and then filled it half way with warm (not hot because I have read LSA, like LSD can be destroyed at high temperatures) water. After a few good shakes I transferred them carefully into a fine mesh metal strainer where I then rinsed them thoroughly in my kitchen sink. I repeated the jar and rinse process once again.

Once clean, I put them onto an oven pan with some paper towels to air dry on my shelf overnight. My reasoning for the cleaning process was that pesticides are often sprayed on plant seeds and this is a bad thing to be ingesting. The next day I did the same thing to the other dose and set them aside for the right opportunity to use them with Jordan. As a side note, after I was done counting off the 200 seeds for each dose, there were about 150 seeds left from the combined remains of our packages.

The opportunity rolled around and Jordan and I made the preparations. I decided that they would be best eaten crushed in some cookie ice cream to mask the texture and taste (which on its own isn’t very bad, but it’s not good either.) We ended up taking the seeds at 11pm to work around my parent’s sleeping patterns. I don’t like to trip that late but then again I also don’t like to go to the kitchen for food all shitfaced with my mom reading a magazine at the table if you know what I mean so sometimes I have to make compromises.

I will now attempt to do a time line of how things happened to the best of my ability but please understand, my memory is somewhat clouded and I was in a different reality at the time. ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE and I apologize for breaking tense.

11:00pm: 100 seeds each are crushed with a garlic crusher into two empty bowls. I used a garlic crusher in order to release the contents of the seeds while breaking up the husks as little as possible. The husks are said to contain the chemical(s), which cause nausea and vomiting so I didn’t want to break them up too much. If I had the right tools for the job, I might have tried one of the extraction methods detailed in a FAQ but this would just have to do. After the seeds were crushed, Jordan and I took about a quarter each of the contents of our pint of ice cream and mixed it up with the seeds in our respective bowls. We ate it, trying to chew the seeds to some degree before swallowing. Let me just say, it was pretty damn good and the seeds did not taste funny whatsoever.

11:05: 100 more seeds are done up the same way and ingested.

11:45: I begin to feel somewhat anxious but not in a bad way. Maybe antsy is a better word for it... I don’t know what was the cause of this. Probably just a mental effect. Jordan comments on feeling kind of goofy but this is very mild and also possibly mental.

12:05am: I start to feel mildly nauseous in my stomach.

12:10: The nausea intensifies and I feel pretty bad but not terrible. I was breathing slowly and fully to try to alleviate this symptom while Jordan, who was feeling fine, set up my attic for smoking cannabis in order to take the edge off.

12:15 While Jordan is making preparations, he notes that his head is swimming (he felt kind of lofty) and that his stomach is a little off feeling. We then go up into my attic and smoke a half a bowl which I initially think will make me feel worse but let me tell you, the first toke instantly removed any feeling of sickness and from then on until later I felt great. We cleaned up and went back down to my room.

12:20: I am feeling very silly much like I do when smoking cannabis but every now and then I sober up and think to myself how stupid I am acting (that never happens when I am stoned even only on half a bowl). Jordan feels kind of goofy too but he was definitely not in the same state of mind as I am at this point. Throughout the rest of the trip I was about 10 min ahead of Jordan in all my reactions and side effects.

12:45: Jordan and I have both come to the conclusion that what we are feeling is not weed. I begin to notice that while my stereo is on and playing I am unable to hear the music which weirds me out. I start to hear Metallica’s Enter Sandman very faintly but I have to strain to hear it. Jordan then turns my stereo up and I can now hear the music, which was Soundgarden. This music bores me and at this point, Jordan mentions that he can really hear the tribal sounding beats in the songs. I instantly think of Tool for its tribal and very primal rhythm and emotion. I went and put in Aenima and we listened to this to about track 11.

1:00: I start seeing some intense closed eye visuals. I begin to think of the pyramid with one eye on the back of dollar bills and this incites the image of the sphinx with only one eye (like the pyramid) with a beam of light and sound combined streaming out chaotically, painting the masses of people and homes across America and turning things into very organized blocks of identical house, white picket fence suburbia. All individuality and color is lost instantly once plowed through by this beam of conformity. I started reflect on this in my mind and told Jordan about what I had just seen and then we broke out into a very interesting conversation about the organization which I refereed to as the “Illuminati” after a card game about conspiracy and chaos which adorned the picture of the one eyed pyramid on the back of all the cards. Our conversation covers how the “Illuminati” controls all government and that presidency is a planned succession. I won’t go any further on this because it is very hard to explain but I will note that it made perfect sense to me in my tripped out state and I still understand what I meant now.

2:40: Munchies! We went to my kitchen and got some food. I think oatmeal and bagels. While waiting for the oatmeal to cook, Jordan went over to one of my couches which had a blanket and a pillow on it and made him self a little nest. He told me that it felt like he was sucked into it and it was “hella’ cozy” so I had to try it out. He was right and I had my quick little rest there. The microwave was still going so to kill time we went over to my dog in the living room and I was sliding my feet all over his back and it felt really cool. He just kind of lay there.

1:50: I had half finished the oatmeal and made a real mess of it and at this point knew I was going to throw up (even though I didn’t feel very sick at all). I went to the bathroom and did my business and was pleased to notice that I had none of the horrible dry heaves that I tend to get from drinking too much alcohol. Right after I finished I felt a lot more sober but still knew I was tripping. I went to my room got a new shirt (because while eating, I got oatmeal all over myself) and laid back down. We then put in Steal This Movie (the Abby Hoffman story) and dozed off towards the end.

The next day (today) we felt very good. Kind of lazy and sort of clumsy but our state of mind was chipper and so far we have enjoyed a very chill and beautiful day. I have noticed beauty and significance in places I normally wouldn’t while riding around.

So in conclusion, Morning Glory seeds were great. Even though I felt kind of sick at one point and then vomited, I really enjoyed the trip and WILL be doing it again. Next time I try it (probably next weekend) I will be upping the dose by 50 to see what else I can tap into.

Some recommendations I have are:

- Wash and dry your seeds thoroughly.
- Start with a reasonable dose of around 200.
- Use Heavenly Blue variety seeds.
- Crush them before ingesting.
- Eat them with something to make it easier and more enjoyable.
- Smoke a small amount of weed to guide your self into the trip and to ease any nausea you might be feeling. Wait until at least an hour passes from the point you ingest the seeds to do this, though.
- If you have to puke do it but try to avoid doing it early into the trip.
- Do them with a friend.
- Do your homework before trying Morning Glories or ANY other drug.

Sorry for the long report but I felt it necessary to be thorough. Now I am going to go smoke a bowl with Jordan so that’s it.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12251
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 3, 2004Views: 14,484
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Morning Glory (38) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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