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My Head Undergoes a Supernova
Citation:   Metosblat. "My Head Undergoes a Supernova: An Experience with Cannabis (exp12260)". Nov 7, 2018.

8 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The first time I smoked Marijuanna was both an amazing and traumatic experience. It started out great. I was laughing my head off and marvelling at the amazing effect pot has on increasing the appreciation of music. It was like this for about 30 mins. Then suddenly a sharp explosive pain erupted about an inch under my scalp around the right-back area of my head. Panic set in. In this paranoid state I was positive that the weed had expanded my blood vessels so much that my brain was expanding in the right-back area of my head and soon my I would have a stroke or my head would explode. It was like something was inside my head with a pick-axe trying to tunnel it's way out. The extreme pain lasted for about 10 mins, but what happened after this is what really freaked me out.

For the next 3 hours it felt as though I could feel tainted blood (or something) moving through my brain to the different sections stampeding through brain materials and leaving them numb. This was accompanied by a bleeding sensation coming from the place in the right-back part of my head where the original pain occurred.

The bleeding sensation was like streams of warm water being pipetted onto the right-back area and flowing down the side of my scalp in several directions. It was a random bleeding and wasn't in synchronisation with my pulse so it might not have been blood, instead it might have been sinus fluid or something to do with my nervous system. This experience was september 2001. It is now Jan 31 2002 and I still get the bleeding sensation to a lesser extent in the time between lying down and sleeping.
I have had a CAT scan and been to multiple doctors but there doesn't seem to be any problems with my head.

I have smoke marijuana about 5 times since then and have never gone over 3 hits because of fear, until this afternoon. I smoked 6 hits and got the terrible pain again. I don't know whether it'll worsen the bleeding or not, I'll have to wait until I finally decide to try to sleep.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12260
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 7, 2018Views: 867
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Cannabis (1) : Unknown Context (20), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Bad Trips (6), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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