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Form of a Woman
Salvia divinorum
by Fred
Citation:   Fred. "Form of a Woman: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp12277)". Feb 2, 2021.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
Before the first time I tried Salvia, I did a lot of reading up on how to get its best effects, what it is, history etc. I tried regular leaves in a quiet and dark room in my basement. I smoked 2 bowls filled to the edge through a cheap water-pipe. At first I did not feel nothing and then I thought 'Well I figured if its legal then it can't do worth a shit.' Then after about 2 minutes later I felt my muscles tense and began to sweat. I knew something was about to happen, but I couldn't exactly grasp what. This effect lasted only about 2 minutes and then I just felt a bit relaxed, nothing really amazing.

I realized that I needed something stronger. I bought 1 gram of 5x leaves. A few days later when the leaves came in, I went to that same guestroom in the basement and I left the door a tiny crack open so it was dark but I could still see around me. I smoked 1 medium size bowl of the 5x extract in 2 big hits in the same water pipe and I held them in my lungs for a long time. After about a minute I felt that same feeling of my muscles tensing up and I started to sweat again. I thought it would just go away after a minute or two as it did before but then all of a sudden I felt this rush of external pressure pressing onto me that was much harder then the slight muscle tension I had before.

I instantly sat on the bed and it felt like someone was pushing me onto it. It felt like this wind of pressure was coming from that crack of light in the door through these 'waves.' I then forgot where I was and almost who I was and it seemed as if I was in some kind of game show and I heard voices in the background and it seemed like people were there amusing me even though I could not see them or hear them exactly. At this point that extreme pressure was only moderate and then I felt like there was a spirit in the form of a woman to my side just floating there and I knew that was the spirit of the plant.
I felt like there was a spirit in the form of a woman to my side just floating there and I knew that was the spirit of the plant.
I tried to talk to it but by then the effects began to wear off and reality began to come back. All I could think is wow. I'm still trying to figure out what my brain is trying to tell me the game show meant but I'm sure it has some sort of significance. I had my eyes open the whole time and when I closed them occasionally I did not really see anything.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12277
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 2, 2021Views: 794
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2), General (1)

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