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I Could Not Believe It
Morning Glory & Cannabis
Citation:   drugslum. "I Could Not Believe It: An Experience with Morning Glory & Cannabis (exp12309)". Feb 3, 2021.

T+ 0:00
Repeated hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  T+ 0:00 365 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  T+ 1:00 1 cig. smoked Tobacco  
  T+ 3:00 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
Me and my two friends (C and S) were hanging out at my brothers house smoking up. Me and C were talking about how there's been no acid around for months, and we were fiending to trip out. Some how we got on the topic of Morning Glory seeds. We had tried Morning Glory seeds before in the past and usually threw up and/or went to sleep. But we decided it was worth another try. My brother drove us to the plant nursery. Me C and S went in and bought 7 packets each (about 56 seeds in each packet). Then I got my brother to drop us off at S's house.

[5:00 pm] -Preparation- At S's took our seeds (2 packets at a time) and put them in empty glass bottles with water and a little dish soap. Then shook the bottles for about 2 mins each. Strained the seeds and rinsed them off. The point of this is to get the anti-fungus stuff off. Then we put all our seeds on paper towels to dry. Once they were dry, it was time for grinding. This took some time because there was only one pepper mill to use between the 3 of us (Me C and S). It took 35 mins for each of us to grind our 365 seeds.

[6:25 pm] -ingestion- We each took our grinded-up seeds and put it into about 2 cups apple sauce (that's 2 cups apple sauce to each persons 365 seeds)? Then we ate our 2 cups. Waited...

[6:55 pm] We all got pretty nauseous. We walked out side and S threw up. I was okay for a little then I got real sick and threw up, while I was throwing up I was kinda laughing in between each hurl (happy some how). By the time I was done C was throwing up pretty hard, S was gone. It was dark out so I went back inside S's leaving C to finish up.

[7:10 pm] -feeling it- When I got back in I lit a cig a found S playing ps2. He told me he was starting to trip, and asked where C was. I told him he was outside puking. I kinda noticed my trip coming on, and thought nothing of it. After awhile we both went outside to find C.

[7:40 pm] We found C talking with another friend G. C said he was tripping pretty good and bummed a cig off me. Then G smoked us on a phatty. Around now I was tripping, I could not believe it. The damn seeds were working, even after puking. I guess most of the LSA was absorbed threw our stomachs before we puked. I saw little lite patterns in the darkness and even some trails off cars.
I saw little lite patterns in the darkness and even some trails off cars.
My stomach didn't hurt anymore, but it felt kinda tight like when I'm on acid. After awhile G left and we went inside.

[8:20 pm] -chilling- Back inside S's house we put on some techno, smoked more weed, and played some ps2. I remember seeing the walls wave. I felt real heavy and didn't wanna move for awhile. We cracked jokes and just chilled. It was a good trip, and I was amazed that it finally worked for us.

[9:30 pm - nextday] - drank beer and feel asleep -

<-=drugslum click-=>

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12309
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 3, 2021Views: 904
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Morning Glory (38), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Preparation / Recipes (30), Difficult Experiences (5), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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