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Mostly Good
Citation:   Private. "Mostly Good: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp12548)". Apr 13, 2008.

  repeated oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
I did nutmeg 7-8 times when I was about 18, but still remember very well. I would grate 3 or more nuts, and take it with milk as suggested by a friend (milk may have something to do with digestion). It would take 2-3 hours to kick in, and peak for some few hours, then many days to fully recover. The experience wasn't the same each time, but almost always good for me, hence I kept doing it.

The best feeling was when I felt totally weightless and everything seemed like a series of pictures shown to me, while I still could talk and walk, it felt unreal but without any worries. Though I never was a cheerful person, I wouldn't be able to stop laughing for hours when with friends. I never had any real hallucinations, but when I closed my eyes, it was like I was moving very fast in another dimension, and I would see colorful patterns which had some meaning to me. While watching a music video, I once felt that time had slowed down and I could capture every hidden detail. Generally, everything around me would look interesting, and somehow alive.

When, at first, some friends took me to some public places, I had felt very uncomfortable. There was no way I could hide those red eyes, and I thought everyone was staring at me. Talking was difficult, too. It was hard to focus on what I was saying, it was even like I wasn't talking but someone else was. Sometimes I would say that life was like a movie or a game, it was all set up, and we were all pretending.

In the next few days after, all I would want to do was to sleep all the time. I would also be very hungry but wouldn't have the energy to leave the bed. And, later, I was forced to quit doing it, because it was discovered by my parents, and it was a big deal at the time. For some reason I haven't attempted to do nutmeg since, but even today I would consider it if I had that much spare time.

Exp Year: 1988ExpID: 12548
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 13, 2008Views: 12,427
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Nutmeg (41) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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