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The World has Shifted
Citation:   Mario. "The World has Shifted: An Experience with Cannabis (exp1256)". Jan 15, 2001.

3 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This experience has many question marks. I still do believe that there was some reaction of some kind that caused it. However, the experience itself was really something else. I have never used LSD or any other psychedelics except for a pill of MDMA (Mitsubishi) two weeks before this experience.
That night I went to my friend's house (who, by the way, is a doctor in psychology, with several writings on cannabis) and we decided to rent a couple of movies and smoke our way through the night. We cooked and ate as well as had a bottle of a horrible white wine. The joints were coming and going and by the end of the first movie I was really stoned. Everything was 'normal.' At that point my friend decided that we had to do this bong sort of thing he calls the drainer. So we did with a good amount of pure skunk each. I went well off at that point. Really really stoned, I crawled on the couch and we were getting ready for the second movie.

Then I started shivering as if it was extremely cold. I had felt this side-effect before, so did not care much and it left quickly. At this point, instead of the movie, we started chatting, talking about how stoned we were. Suddenly I felt so strange. I could not really explain, but it was as if the effects of cannabis were strengthened tenfold. My friend asked if I was well. That was it, I just took off. I had no perception of space (including gravity) or time. I started calling out for help as I was drawn into a vortex of some kind, as everything was spinning around me with incredible force. I panicked and I felt like I was going to pass out. My heartbeat was strong and fast and I was breathing very hard. I could hardly feel my limbs, as they were all going numb and I got really scared at this point. My understanding of reality was also very different than usual; I cannot really define it. However, something was very wrong. I tried to focus. There was no way I could. I laid on the couch, which looked huge, and I was feeling like an insect on it. That was another effect - my size in space was no longer a constant, it was relative to my feelings. My friend offered to make me a coffee as I laid on the bed, I could hear his every move and every little sound. The sugar falling in the cup and the sound of the teaspoon was so annoying. I started feeling better. For just a few seconds. But there it came again, taking me into this vortex of paranoia and insanity.

Weird thoughts start crossing my mind. I became a little bit aggressive, started shouting. I quickly called a taxi and left the place. The taxi ride was about 3 minutes. It felt like aeons passed. The taxi driver was talking to me and his voice was coming with echo. I looked at him and he was miles away from me. By then I was in my room. Had a shower, called my girlfriend and went to bed. The feeling was there, but I was coming down. I woke up the next day only to find that I was steel feeling it. It was completely gone by the afternoon. I had another joint then, just to check. It didn't came back, everything was 'normal' again. My 'normal' is a bit different than it used to be before that. I thought I was too close to insanity. I had no visuals of any kind except from faulty space perception and distorted objects. No closed eye visuals.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1256
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 15, 2001Views: 4,748
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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