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The Sun
5-MeO-DIPT, Cannabis & 5-MeO-DMT
Citation:   DMT Elf. "The Sun: An Experience with 5-MeO-DIPT, Cannabis & 5-MeO-DMT (exp12578)". Feb 14, 2002.

7.5 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    smoked 5-MeO-DMT (freebase)
My mindset is comprised of a somewhat hasty desire to spiritually align myself with the Earth and to enjoy the season's first measureable snowfall. A walk through the forest is in order. I decide to supplement my walk with a low dose of Foxy (5-10 mg) even though I have not allowed myself time to prepare. I would have liked to at least do some stretching, or better yet, some breathing exercises. But the snowfall is calling, and being indoors is getting on my nerves.

After dosing the Foxy in a glass of orange juice, I quickly gather my things and head out the door. I know I will be feeling the buzz within thirty minutes, with telltale tryptamine alerts in half that time. Among my belongings I make sure to bring a supply of some mid-grade cannabis and my small glass bowl. By the time I arrive at the local park (T+0:20), I notice that music is distinctly more engaging, engrossing, enchanting. I try to imagine the beauty of Nature augmented in this manner by the Foxy, and I quickly realize that I am in for quite a treat.

I exit the car and take in a huge breath of chilly, fluffy, fresh air. The crispness of winter is underscored nicely by the bite of the Fox. The chemical urges me to get moving into the woods where the dog-walking, sleigh-riding, police-calling Normals won't freak me out.

I sense a presence in my solar plexus, much like the warmth I feel on MDMA. This is a positive association for me. The muscle tension I associate with LSD is also present throughout my body. As with acid, it centers around my upper back and neck, moving into the back of my skull. The body buzz is nice at this dosage. I notice how everything is 'scrunchable,' a sentiment I felt strongly on my first acid trip. I clench my fists to test the sensation, and flex my toes as I walk.

Although the trails I follow have all been blazed ahead of time and marked with footprints in the snow, I try and find the paths least travelled. I feel adventurous. The first treat I am presented with comes early in my journey. I am drawn to a tree which has grown an eye in its bark. The eye is very similar to the 'eye in the triangle' logo of the Illuminati which I am familiar with from reading Robert Anton Wilson's Cosmic Trigger. Spiralling around the trunk, a fuzzy vine ascends and disappears above me. Nature has created this for me to see -- this tree, this vine, this eery and uncanny eye. I am amazed that I can see within the bark of every tree *faces* staring back at me -- as if the trees have mastered the art of mimicry. I trace the eye with my fingers and note the hard, rough quality of the plantlife skin. I ponder this tree for a moment before continuing on my way.

Soon I decide to celebrate the feeling of wonder by toking a ceremonial bowl of cannabis. There is a healthy coating of resin inside my glass pipe, which also contains a fair amount of 5-MeO-DMT runoff. I make sure to pack a good bud in there to ensure I don't vaporize the 5-MeO-DMT just yet. The cannabis, as expected, accentuates the visual aspect of the Foxy quite nicely, while adding its own cheerful mental flavor to the trip. Even before I finish the bowl, a special synergy has already developed between the cannabis and the Foxy. I can't imagine a better setting for this combo, and I doubt I will ever use Foxy indoors. The open air and friendly trees are simply irrisistable. I am glad to be alive, and I feel lucky to be part of this Experiment.

I find a more secluded place in the woods and do some squat stretches and breathing exercises. I send some telepathic prayers of goodwill to my girlfriend who is at home sleeping.

I decide this is a good time to hit the bowl hard and smoke some cannabis resin with perhaps a taste of 5-MeO-DMT. If the latter should knock me off my socks and land me face-up in the snow, at least no one is around to see me like this and think I am crazy. After some controlled breathing, I exhale all of the air from my lungs and begin to torch the hell outta my poor glass pipe. With my lungs almost full, I stand up to expand my capacity. Upon standing, a translucent bluish liquid-light creeps into my eyes from the sides and saturates my vision, revealing the absurdity of existence. Simultaneously, my mind is overwhelmed by the profundity of hyperspace. I span two worlds, momentarily forgetting to which one I owe my allegiance.

As I slowly exhale, the electric shock-flavored smoke seems to fill the entire park. I am humbled by the power of the 5-MeO-DMT, and my mind is reduced to the thoughts and processes which keep me alive. It is all I can do to keep breathing, and yet I know intuitively that I will breathe on instinct if I let go. The normally-overwhelming intensity of the 5-MeO-DMT is put into perspective here in the wilderness.

I continue my journey now with my head in the clouds. I feel isolated even though I am sure there are people within yelling distance. As the 5-MeO-DMT runs its course, I begin to feel ape-like. I walk; my head begins to drop, my arms begin to swing, and my legs find a rhythm on the snow-covered path. My body feels new to me, foreign almost. I am not used to moving like this, but I like it. My ape-like gait speeds up, and soon I am running through the woods. The sensation is amazing: the trees rushing by, the fresh breeze in my face, my blood pumping furiously... it is liberating.

I happen to find a grove of trees arranged into perfectly straight rows by Nature. I notice the sun burning brightly in the sky ahead of me, stopping me in my tracks. I turn back as the trees whisper where to go: I'm to find the last row of this sacred grove and walk along it, stopping when I know. I do as I am told. I look up slowly and focus on the huge orange orb blazing in the sky above. From my perspective standing in this sacred spot, the branches of the trees seem to have been specially arranged. Somehow, they filter the light of the sun and allow me to stare directly at it. Inside the blob of fire, I see veins, puddles, and rivers. The sun is teeming with life, overflowing with light; big, bright and beautiful. I cannot help but stare deeply for at least five minutes. As I watch, the sun's energy begins to beat in time with the rhythm of my heart, and I can feel it in me.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12578
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2002Views: 19,055
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5-MeO-DMT (58), Cannabis (1), 5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Alone (16), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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