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So Relaxed
Citation:   Nephandi. "So Relaxed: An Experience with Catnip (exp12783)". Apr 14, 2006.

7 bowls smoked Catnip (plant material)
    smoked Tobacco (dried)
I had a left over cigar, and half an ounce of catnip, so I decided to give it a try.

I started off standing up while smoking my mixture of a pinch of tobacco and a pinch of dried catnip. After like the second bowl, I was falling against my wall, and felt a little disey. By the forth bowl, I layed down on my bed, and I just felt so relaxed. I didn't want to get up, so I stayed there for a few minutes. Finally after the diseyness passed, I got up and went against the wall and started smoking a few more bowls. I eneded up in my chair smoking it, and by the 7th bowl, I figured I had had enough and got up, put my baggie and bong away safely in my desk out of sight from my parents. I was feeling pretty fucked for the next few minutes, so I went upstarts to lye down in my bed. When I first layed down and closed my eyes, it felt like my body was moving foreward towards my head, a really cool experience.

So it's been around 20 minutes now and I decided to go back downstairs and go online. Discussing my experience with a friend, I come up with a term for smoking catnip, I call it Nipo now. hehehe Gotta love that. For sure I'll do it again. After a couple bowls standing up, that's when I felt the best, every bowl after that didn't seem to change anything much.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12783
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 14, 2006Views: 15,434
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Catnip (68) : Alone (16), General (1)

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