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Strange Nights
Morning Glory
by K
Citation:   K. "Strange Nights: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp12812)". Mar 4, 2021.

100 seeds oral Morning Glory
Well, I was feeling pretty bored yesterday, and since LSD is nowhere to be found in this town, and because I have a strong interest in hallucinogenic drugs, and wish to take at least everyone of them at least once, if not more. I had heard that by chewing up and swallowing morning glory seeds, it would make one trip, similar to LSD. I fancy myself to be a somewhat experienced acid tripper, so I said what the hell, and bought 3 packets of Heavenly Blue Morning Glory. I ingested all 100 seeds at once, and washed it down with a bit of soda.

No word of a lie, no more then 20 minutes later I started sweating and feeling nauseous, and anxious. I had the shakes really bad, and my heart was pounding like crazy. I started to panic, because I thought the seeds might've been sprayed with a pesticide. I started seeing acid tracers, and various other minor hallucinations. By this point it was only 5 minutes after I started feeling anxious and sweating that I started to panic. It felt like my insides had been put through a blender. I was completely alone for this experience, other then talking to a few people online. I talked to a friend online who is also an experienced acid tripper and he kept reminding me to breathe, which I think was wise, because I would forget every now and then.

After about 20 minutes of this terrible onset I finally got it through my head that I had taken a lot of acid and several occasions and had been way higher then this. This seemed to plain out my trip. I started feeling euphoric, exactly the same feeling I get from LSD. I was feeling euphoric, and overall besides my stomach quivering, the effects of the onset had mostly worn off. I was completely mellow. I didn't want to move at all, which is unusual. Usually on hallucinogens I always feel like I have to get up and do something, this wasn't like that at all. I did not want to move. So I just sat at my computer staring at some of the strange hallucinations I was having. When I closed my eyes I would see geometrical patterns inside my eyelids not unlike regular CEV's, but these were quite intense, these geometrical patterns were spiraling and pulling me into them, felt like I was falling into infinity. When I opened my eyes I found that these geometrical patterns were still present, but not as intense. I could at least get a grip on reality. Wow! This seemed to amuse me because I started laughing and could not stop for about 20 minutes, luckily my parents didn't wake-up.

The peak which I just described lasted probably 2 hours before I started to come down. I must say coming down surprised me. It wasn't accompanied by feelings of being sick, etc. I felt wonderful, when I listened to music I could feel the emotion the artists put into it, because of this I ended up being disgusted with a lot of the music I was listening to and stopped listening to a lot of bands, (temporarily). I mostly listened to Tool on the come down, and just sat there feeling happy. When I saw myself in the mirror I must say I looked simply insane. The blue colouring of my eyes was no longer there, my pupils were occupying the entire space of that. I looked absolutely mad! This again, amused me, and I stood in the bathroom for about half an hour laughing at my reflecting, and tripping out at my own face. I had a lengthy and deep conversation with a pop can at one point during the peak of my trip, talking about how fake things were, and how I was so stupid for falling for it.
I had a lengthy and deep conversation with a pop can at one point during the peak of my trip, talking about how fake things were, and how I was so stupid for falling for it.
The pop can had grown taller and twisted and looked kind of Dr. Seuss'ish, so to speak. That's the only way I can describe it.

For the rest of the coming down period I felt completely at peace with myself and everything around me, and felt that I had solved all my emotional issues. I went to bed and woke up normal once again. The only after effects I experienced was slight diarrhea. But it's about 3:15pm the day after the trip right now and I am feeling pretty good.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 12812
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 4, 2021Views: 699
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), First Times (2), Health Problems (27), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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