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One Summers Night Out of Work
Citation:   oddsock. "One Summers Night Out of Work: An Experience with MDMA (exp12860)". May 3, 2002.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
One Summers night out of work, me and my girlfriend got in a car with this couple we knew and headed out for a weekend camping.

Sitting silent on the back seat staring out the window, looking for reassurance in the passing scenery, individually contemplating the journey ahead.

My anxiety was natural, it was the product of an unnatural life. Seperated from myself just after birth, I'd ended up working in a mindless, faceless corporate sweat shop, processing processes. I wanted, needed, a reunion, my only misgivings were wether what I had planned was going to aggrevate the schism.

We arrived at seven, pitched our tents, ate dinner.

An hour later I took one pill.

We went down by the riverside, sat down on cooling earth, the smell of chlorophyll and sweat, like when I was a kid.

Within 20 minutes I was feeling the beginnings.After 30 I was siezed by panic and it was evident from my sweating and cracked grin that I was struggling. Thankfully my friends left me alone.

Whilst they carried on their conversations I sat trying to come to terms with my condition, all I could do was stare out over the river. Slowly, over a few minutes my heart rate dropped, my sweat dried,cooling my skin. Staring at the river, the reflections, the persistent gentle flow, the greatest calmness I have ever felt descended on me,like all sense away from man revealed an endless coming into being.

(I spent the rest of the evening with my girlfriend).

I get angry at the unthinking, knee jerk, demonising critics of MDMA who seem unconcerned at the truly demonic aspects of a ruanway society with it's excessive demands, it's lonliness, it's greed, where we are all mentally ill, in an acceptable way. I suggest that this is a neccessary tool to combat the mental hardship inflicted on us by the unreasonable demands of a society which we can not control and which is, in fact, controlling us with threats.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 12860
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 3, 2002Views: 46,161
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), Health Benefits (32), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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