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This Is Addictive Shit
by Anon
Citation:   Anon. "This Is Addictive Shit: An Experience with GHB & GBL (exp13075)". Feb 17, 2011.

  oral GHB
I researched GHB before I ever tried it. Everything I read said that it wasn't addictive.

The first time I tried it, I felt great, kind of like being drunk and...just free and loose and wonderful...floating... I was in law school at the time. I took to taking it every night after I had stayed up way too late studying. I could take it, pass out/sleep for 3 hours and then wake up feeling GREAT! I got into a cycle.

The cycle got worse. I got to where I couldn't sleep at all without it. I got arrested for driving under the influence of it. I wrecked my fiance's car on it. I ended up in the hospital three times for overdoses. I would lie, cheat, steal, typical addict behavior to get to the stuff. My fiance begged me to stop. I'd say sure, then lie and steal to get around it.

I'd bless the shit for the escape it promised me. I stayed up for hours studying tax law, then I'd take some G and pass out and wake up totally refreshed. It would have been fine if I didn't need it to sleep. But I did.

I ruined my life. I lost my house, my fiance, my law license, all for a drug that I though promised all the answers.

It lies. It lied. Lied.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 13075
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 17, 2011Views: 2,201
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GHB (25) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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