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Lifting the Veil of Perception
AMT, Nitrous Oxide & 5-MeO-DMT
Citation:   maison. "Lifting the Veil of Perception: An Experience with AMT, Nitrous Oxide & 5-MeO-DMT (exp13187)". Mar 11, 2002.

T+ 0:00
80 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 5 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 3:00 20 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 16:00 30 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
I started the amt later in the day than I'd have liked to, but there was some difficulty getting everything organized. I took my first dose at a bit after noon, saying a brief prayer to the drug gods that this trip help me to better understand what it is that makes the people who are in my life (and at least one that I'd like to have a greater presence in my life) tick. After I took mine, disaster struck. Everyone but one person had taken theirs and we were about 60 mgs short of his dose, with not nearly enough for the required boosting. Thankfully, his girlfriend was able to give me a ride home to pick up a bit more, but this caused me to miss the meal that I like to have right after taking amt and lead to lack of energy problems twelve hours or so in. Thank goddess for large breakfasts.

Friend's girlfriend and I return with compound in hand and it is consumed with due haste. We promptly head out to a nearby coffee shop where I hope to get food and coffee. I get both, but by now (it is about 45 mins in) the weirds are starting to set in and I can already feel the slight nausea that I sometimes experience at the edge of my stomach with amt. The coffee, I was able to drink, but the sandwich proved too difficult to eat and had to wait for about 24 hours.

We wandered back to the house for a bit of nitrous and a viewing of DJ QBert's Wavetwister video (fun for the whole family). By the end of this, I realized that I am quite up... the walls have acquired a windswept look and the music we were listening to had become more rich and deep. We did a whole lot of dancing which was particularly interesting given my complete lack of balance when on amt.

Perhaps it is just my desire to see this that causes me to see it, but I felt that I can see the veil (as slightly smokey glass surrounding me) that being told what is real and what isn't for the past 30 years has pulled over my eyes. I walk towards it slowly and it pulls away from me. Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, I saw something like steam flowing from my head and felt myself getting closer to being past this veil. I try to poke my hand through the mirror: nope, quite solid. Of course I am well aware that this could be just the drugs... but the feeling is stronger each time I take amt and even if it is just the drugs, it is fun. This is one of the things that keeps me going back to amt.

Several more hours of this followed. I spent some time pondering the nature of the people around me and a few that weren't around me, but should have been. As I was well into my way down, someone brought out a surprise: 5meodmt. Oh the joy.

Two of the four folks who were interested in it had not done it before and wanted to see someone else do it first. I was, of course, willing to take on this task. The kind soul who'd brought the goods handed me a plate with two fine lines of 20 mgs each and I snorted one and a half of them and then stretched out on the bed waiting for bliss to hit me. And it did. I writhed, I moaned, I had visions... visions of a giant maze (like the one on the playa at Burningman). A thin haze hung over it with columns of light projecting towards the heavens from various points within. I stood at the entrance and something called me inside. And then it was gone, and I was back in the 'real world' still writhing and watching the second person down going on about how we controlled reality and how we had won the drug war. I never figured out exactly how we'd won the drug war, but it looks like he'd lead the charge up the hill; guns blazing. A few hours later, I was finally able to eat some food and get some sleep.

Interestingly, the following monday (this was about 48 after the initial amt dose) I was getting a glass of water from the work kitchen and as I turned around from the water cooler, glass in hand, the world seemed to slow down -- as if I was watching a movie with every other frame blacked out -- and then I watched cracks form in my vision, like glass being very slowly broken. And then they were gone. This lasted no more than a minute, but it was a very pleasant experience. Thankfully, no coworkers were around.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13187
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2002Views: 11,887
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5-MeO-DMT (58), AMT (7) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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