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Hello Matrix
5-MeO-DiPT & Cannabis
by robd
Citation:   robd. "Hello Matrix: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT & Cannabis (exp13289)". Jul 6, 2004.

10 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (capsule)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Me and 'kb' were going back to my house to smoke a bowl, and I decide to pop the big capsule on the way. By the time we got to my house, kb thought I was just joking but I really thought I was starting to feel the beginning of the fox. I seemed chipper. :) we make way to the backyard, go smoke a bowl... Now I was really stoned, which kinda covered the slight effects of the 5-meo-dipt beginning to come to me. I could hardly fucking walk, but we made it inside and get some munchie food and chilled. Around a half hour after the dropping the pill, I knew that I was beyond just stoned, it felt like something different. I dont know what kb's excuse was, but he seemed to be feeling it with me. I suddenly need some fresh air, so we walk outside. Its a beautiful day out, the sky is clear. I look up to the sky and walk... I知 not even thinking about where or how I知 walking its just going. I知 not controling it anymore, I知 in the clouds. Blue, white... Colors so vivid......the sky is huge, beautiful, amazing. I drown out kb yacking about wutever.... Focus on the sky.

Staring at the clouds that are moving slowly.... This seemed to be sped up a bit, almost as if I知 in one of those time-shift cameras. It truely was an amazing sight. We get to across the street from conco de oro... I say lets go to the deli, get something to eat, kev says no hes gonna be late to where he's g2g, we 'argue' but I can hardly hold a conversation at this point.... He walks away in the opposite direction and it feels like I'll never see him again, like we seperated forever. I put it in the back of my mind.... Run over to the deli, order an italian hero. It felt like it took hours to make, and I started having trouble standing straight. My heart was pounding faster and faster... I felt like I wouldnt be able to make it. I wasnt even hungry anymore. I suddenly seemed to care wut the people around me thought about me, even though usually I dont. It finally finished, and I ran home. I never run anywhere ever, but I felt like I was overflowing with energy....I ran with my eyes closed, felt my body swaying back and forth. I didnt feel like I was working my body at all.

I got home, there was still no one home, I was sweaty from running non-stop, (even though I didnt realize it). I went into the shower. This was just amazing....I could feel every watch droplet individually on my skin, one at a was great. All my senses were so much stronger and precise. This is about when the huge body buzz began. By now the fox definely supassed the weed.....I was stoned in my unique way :) my experience had a great euphoria to it...I was energetic on level, and relaxed at a different level. I finally get out of the shower, and laid down on the bed. I put in tool's undertow album, put up the volume, and shut my eyes. This is probably the peak of my trip. Man just thinking about it makes me happy.....I put my head under the covers.... I closed my eyes....intense cev's....lines and patterns flowing back and forth....but the oev's were something else......

U know when its dark and you look at something and your not distinctly sure what is, but you think you know what it is? Well I could basically just stair at it for a minute or so and watch it change and morph. Or how you play with your eyes to make whatever your looking at blurry, and then its snaps back to normal? That snap back never happened... I could just keep looking and looking and watch it morph into things. Examples: I was under the covers and looking at the edge of the bed with the sheets shaped out a bit... As I looked at it my imagionation played with it... I saw a row of little creatures standing there...... Then it became pixelated..... If you ever saw a winamp visualation with the lines and colors and shapes... This is what it was probably based on.....I saw that when I opened my eyes..... The pattern on the sheets of boxes went on forever and ever....and all this co-existed with each other...I was getting hot so I pulled the blankets all off.... Cold air hits me hard.....

My whole room has zeros and ones in green going up and down all the walls. This was the most amazing thing I ever saw. If you know the matrix......all my walls had that pattern in movement up and down. The walls were also shaking to undertow.... It was great... Danny carey doing double bass drum rolls and my walls coming back and forth feet at a time to the music.... 'Disgustipated' was fucking cool. I could hear the sheep running around my room.....and I thought no they cant be in my room... So I put my hand out without looking, and I felt a fur on which later turned out to be a teddy bear on my dresser.... I was like omg so was real...I didnt really remember the song from the last time I hear it, and during the cricket part I wasnt sure if it was over or not and I didnt not know it was crickets, the sound was just there.....I was trying to figure out what it was... The room was very quiet.....I was still tripping hard, things morphing... Then.. 'This is neccessary...' I literally jumped from my bed.

That song was pretty fucking cool....after the cd ended I just laided in bed, shut my eyes, enjoyed cev's....I知 starting to come down.....if it was dark enough I could look at something, shut my eyes, it would still be there and just sit back and watch it change.... Things in my mind after I closed my eyes would pixel and have a purple tint to it..... It was fucking amazing.....just staring at it change. Also there was a sexual aspect to it as well, this would be a very good drug to do with a girlfriend :)

something I would want to do hangover around 9:15 I was feeling a bit burnt but that was it... I was feeling so enlighted by what I had just experienced, and generally experienced......but ne ways it was an amazing trip.... Different but similar from my shrooms trip, each had its postitives.... But I think it is something everyone should experience. Very moving. :)


Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13289
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 6, 2004Views: 6,792
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