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Following the Dead
Citation:   K9Unit. "Following the Dead: An Experience with DPT (exp13480)". Erowid.org. Mar 24, 2002. erowid.org/exp/13480

200 mg insufflated DPT (powder / crystals)
02/2/02 9pm

Setting...a small Apartment four people are present. Me, Eugene, Allen, and Nate.

Mind state...I feel at ease, but also have a mild feeling of apprehension. I know I have to snort the DPT, but I hate the drip, this frightens me a little bit, but I don’t let that bother me. My Thoughts are clear, and me and my friends are ready to explore the inner workings of our minds.


10:30pm. 4 doses of 200mg of DPT are measured out.

Allen and Eugene will be the first to snort, and Me and Nate will snort 30min later. They snort it, grab a bottle of water and sit down and prepare to be hit, within minutes they are drinking the water and gagging due to the horrible drip of DPT. Me and Nate get inpatient and decided to snort the DPT a lil earlier.

11:45pm. I can feel the DPT rushing up my nose, like a hot knife, I can taste it only minutes later. My taste buds are in full protest, I can already hear them telling me 'Do not do this again' I pay no attention to it, and proceed to sit down while I sip on my water in order to ease the torment of my taste buds. Eugene and Allen are starting to feel the first wave of Reality loss. They inform me that their mind is getting clouded with millions of thoughts, and emotions. Eugene is also notes the feeling of coldness and solitude, he explains this as 'a bad body load' He is entering the early parts of the trip with negative feelings. This will cause his initial downfall.

Midnight. Allen is stationed on the couch, and I just threw up almost all the water I drank only 15min ago to ease the drip. I can feel the first wave of reality loss hit me as well. Eugene proceeds to walk from the bathroom into the living room asking 'what’s going on?' I have no idea what to say other then 'there is no turning back now' I’m looking down at the carpet and I can make it out in full detail as the small strands of fiber move to and for, and the stain of vomit is growing ever larger. I can feel my face getting numb, I can no longer fathom the possibility of drinking more water to kill the drip for I can no longer feel it, my taste buds have either abandoned me, or have been wiped out completely by the DPT. I am now entering a realm in which the only the dead exist.

Everything that is alive, stays, only they die as well. I am awake? Has my Dream ended? I proceed to expel the words, our egos have died. This sends Eugene into a furry, he is convinced that he is gonna die, he sits down next to me asking me 'am I gonna die, I feel like I’m dying, tell me Am I gonna die' I lay back down the couch and say, 'your fine don’t worry about' He looks at me in odd way, and some how is able to say 'ok' stands up and starts walking around the apartment screaming 'what’s going on? Am I gonna die, I’m sure I’m gonna die, some one help me I’m gonna die, I’m cold' I feel this presence of death as well, though I do not fear it, I am ready to embrace it, for I am sure that my dream of life has been fully experienced, and Its time for me to awaken.

12:30am, Eugene is sitting right next to me with his head on my shoulder, saying 'David I don’t want to die, plz tell I’m not gonna die, tell me what’s going on, why am I so cold' He looks at me, and I can make out the face of my best friend covered by the mask of fear, staring at me, at the bring of tears asking for reassurance that his dream will continue, he knows and feels that he is not ready to wake up yet. I can no longer feel my face, I can no longer make out words, though I can connect with Eugene, and I am able to expel once more the words 'My friend you will be fine, worry not, and embrace the feeling that surrounds you' I feel horrible for saying this, for I am not sure my self, if We will be fine, the feeling of death is glowing strong through me as well. Allen and Nate are stationary on the couch, saying nothing, just looking off into their own reality. I take the time to look around, and try to determine where I am, what was once an apartment is now a tomb. A tomb where dead do not sleep, but flow within the ocean of torment, the floor, the wall, all the inanimate objects are one, flowing with extreme consistency, all while supporting the lifeless bodies of conscious that flow within this ocean of death.

12:45pm it seems that Allen’s friend Josh, the person who lives in the Apartment has just some home, and he has brought friends. Two other people arrive with them, a female, and a male, and the first thing they hear is Eugene's voice, hollowed out by fear 'who are you, why are you here, am I gonna die, plz help me, I need to go to the hospital, I’m cold' Allen, and Nate do not the have the ability to answer, and I can feel my physical vessel say the words 'we are tripping balls' 'Oh, well that’s cool just don’t break anything' Was joshes response.

By now I feel as if I am a clump of insignificant matter that is not worthy of a conscious mind, my in my physical form, I am just a man sitting on the couch covered in drool, because I have no sense of self, or physical feeling. My face is numb, and my soul is dead.

1Am, Oddly enough Nate is interacting with the Material world, Josh and his friends whipped out a bong and some weed, and with out a word Nate just sits down with them and is ready to smoke. I just sit there with drool all over my face, observing what seems to be extremely odd activity.
As they pack the bong, the top of the bong begins to show signs of life, and slows starts to morph into a living entity. Throw the hollow plastic chamber a half bong, half man creature is born, and it seems that smoking from this creature is the path to its demise. The people holding the bong do not realize that its alive and continue to pack it with weed, and the bong man starts to fight for its life, I can hear him scream 'No let me go, leave me alone, don’t pack me, plz don’t pack me' It continues to fight for its life, but in the end the bong man comes out dead as the bowl in the bong is cached. A feeling of grief overcomes me, as I can’t help but feel that I could have done something to prevent this.

1:30am Eugene's state of delirious madness has not improved, in fact it’s gotten much worse. He now running around the house screaming at the top of his lungs and its obvious that his cries hold feelings of fear as well as anger. 'Help me, Some one call 911, I’m gonna fucking die, I need some Thorazine, help me! Get me Warm! Why isn’t anyone listening?' All this screaming causes one of the neighbors to call the police, and soon they show up. My heart starts to race, as I hear Tiffany say 'FUCKING SHIT, its the Cops!' 'Oh Fuck, we cant let them see Eugene like this' I think this as I gather up all my strength stand up, grab the empty bag that contained the DPT and hide it underneath the Sink, I grab Eugene by his shirt and drag him to the bathroom. I drag him there, and I try to calm him down. I hold his hand and assure him that everything is all right, and he wont die, and he will be fine in a few hours. The Word hours scares the living shit out of Eugene and he gets worse, screaming louder and louder, I quickly tell him that he only has a few min left of tripping, and this calms him down. I suggest to him that we should turn the lights off, and this proves to be an odd experience. As soon as the light goes off, my vision is overwhelmed with a kaleidoscope of colors, Shapes start forming within the colors. We are informed that the cops are gone, so me and Eugene exist the bathroom, but as we are exiting, I look into the mirror, and there I see an image of my self, though my eye sockets are empty, and the sea of death is flowing right behind me, this time the dead are reaching for me, they are calling me, they want me to join their realm, and they wont give up till I do. Agh, this must end.

2am. Alright the trip is starting to subside a little, I can now fully walk around, and the visuals are pretty much gone, mild LSD like visuals still going on, but the mindfuck is still there, and my face is so numb, I cant feel my neck, I decide to smoke a cig. I light it and the impression of the flame stays within the air, and slowly shifts into a flaming bubble, and floats off. The smoke from the cigarette is filling the room, and within the smoke of the cig, I can make out people dancing, just happily dancing, and then dropping dead like flys, one by one. Such a disturbing image, yet so entertaining at the same time. Everything is normal, and after I finish my cig, Nate seems to be back in the normal world, cuz he’s sitting there asking me to pack a bowl. So then a bowl is packed, and within minutes we are back into an extremely visual trip once again, yet this time its filled with a happiness, and feelings of joy, yet those visuals of death are still there, no matter what the sea of death has yet to subside.

Still Flowing, still shifting, still carrying the bodies of the dead, am I dammed to witness the torture of the dead as they call my name every time I come back to the world of DPT? I cant take this anymore, I sit back and close my eyes, and a kaleidoscope of colors fills my eyes, and within those colors comes the vision of beauty, a girl, standing there in front me, a girl who captured my heart, yet never returned my feelings, there standing in front of me, smiling at me. Her lips slowly creep open, and it seems that she is about to say something, just as the words are about to exist her mouth, the sea of death takes shape within the colors, and a hand reaches out, cloaked with the robe of the reaper, and plunges into her chest from behind. With one breath, and one gasp she falls dead to the floor, and then is slowly absorbed by the ocean where only the dead thrive. Feeling experienced so long ago are creeping back, I have not felt for her the way I used to ever since she shot me down, but why do I miss her so? Why do I wish that I could have done something to save her? She hurt me, yet I still yearn for her, why? It matters not, the feelings slowly die down along with the trip.

3am, that’s it most of it is gone, It feels like a mild LSD trip now, minor visuals, followed by sever mental confusion. So many things I saw tonight, so many things I felt, why does death follow me around with DPT? Am I doomed to feel like this every time I come back? If so, then I will come back none the less, DPT kicked my mind's ass, and sometimes my mind needs good old-fashioned ass kicking.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13480
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 24, 2002Views: 15,110
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DPT (21) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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