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Ketamine Blows
Citation:   Doobie. "Ketamine Blows: An Experience with Ketamine (exp135)". Jun 10, 2000.

0.08 ml IM Ketamine (liquid)
After finding out from various resources on Ketamine, I was determined to try it. I heard of alternating realities, different dimensions, and incredible things. Well, at 20 years old, I got my hands on some pure pharmaceutical grade ketamine. I took over 50 units of ketamine from the smaller insulin syringe, which I think was around .08 of a cc from the larger, standard syringe. I am not sure on this though. I did it intramuscularly in my room, alone, and on my bed.

All I can say about ketamine is that I thought it was very unenjoyable. There are many reasons why I say this.

A few minutes after I injected ketamine in my shoulder, I began to feel its effects. My vision seemed affected first. I read that one should have low lights and a comfortable spot to trip in, so I laid down on my bed and turned out the lights. I don’t know really what happened next, except that 10-15 minutes later (I think it was about that long, I was too fucked up to tell) I began to trip hard. The closest thing I can compare it too is DXM but with a shorter duration and more intense (although I never tripped as much DXM as many reports I have read). It lasted about two hours, with weird feelings and sickness going on until I slept.

There are many things that suck about Ketamine.

1. The hallucinations are not at all pleasant. I remember turning on my lights in my room and everything looking completely and totally weird and alien. There was movement in the objects, but no flowing beautiful patterns like LSD. Instead, things seemed different in size and “wobbly” if I moved my head or my body.

2. You cannot walk. Even if you could physically walk, you don’t want to. And even if you wanted too, I atleast would have gotten sick. It seemed like in some respects like severe motion sickness. Things seemed “wobbly” when I moved in the slightest, therefore making me almost nauseated.

3. Without being to walk, or talk that well, I cannot see doing Ketamine in groups of people. It seems like a very antisocial drug. I could not have driven a car, been around one of my friends families, or been at a bar or social setting. On other trips these things could all be moderately fun, especially on LSD or mushrooms.

4. You don’t seem to recoginize many of the totality of people in your life. I guess this is the point of dissociatives, to go into a world completely alien. But you cannot recognize the totality of things. Think of it like this—with your friend bob, you recognize his whole person. This sounds weird, but think, you know him, what he likes, how he looks, who he is—his entire totality. He is bob. But with Ketamine you get stripped of that sense and fail to recognize ceratin things, certain people, and their totality. This is difficult to explain. Either way, this is not at all pleasant. You seem to lose contact with these people, to lose your sense of them, even though they are not present. This was very weird because I thought of some of my friends for some reason, but then was unable to recognize who they were when I thought of them. I can’t really explain it.

5. It makes you feel sick, at least for me. I know I mentioned this before. But I did not feel well after my trip. The only thing pleasant about the whole experience is when it ended and I went to sleep after the sickness was done.

6. It is actually somewhat scary. I could not feel my body, recognize myself, and the whole experience was actually frightening. The different dimensions people talk about in ketamine seems to be your mind just getting completely fucked up in this scary, weird, alien sort of way.

I could go on, but my point is that Ketamine wasn’t fun. I just wanted to also provide a negative experience since I have read so many positive ones. But who knows, it might be for you, everyone enjoys things that others don’t.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 135
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2000Views: 23,325
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Ketamine (31) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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