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Completely Blew Me Away
Citation:   Barkingdog44. "Completely Blew Me Away: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp13502)". Mar 26, 2002.

T+ 0:00
8.0 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (capsule)
  T+ 1:15 6.0 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (capsule)
March 23, 2002

Background info: 23yo, male

This was my first experience with 5-Meo-Dipt. I bought the substance back in December, and have been waiting for the right time to try this. My drug experiences include, around 10-12 MDMA experiences in the last two years, 1-4 MDA experiences in the last year, moderate cannabis use, and one mushroom experience. I have only had enough mushrooms to get me to that giddy, laughy plateau area, no major visuals or hallucinations. I can easily say that this was the first major outing I have had with a drug that holds psychedelic qualities.

Friday Night-

10pm- I’ve been sitting at home alone watching the NCAA Basketball tournament, a little bored, but also feeling in a general state of happiness and relaxation. I decide that I want to go on some type of trip tonight but not sure what. I have cannabis, mda, amt, and 5-Meo-Dipt at my disposal. I am feeling rather adventurous so I decide that I should try either the AMT or 5-Meo-Dipt. I log on to the internet to read various trip reports and to reacquaint myself with the substances. It looks like the AMT might be a little too long lasting for tonight, so I focus on the 5-Meo-Dipt. I read the trip reports again, and I think, hell, I can handle this. So I go and measure out 8mg of 5-Meo-Dipt and put it in an empty 5-Htp capsule. I continue to watch the Basketball game, trying to talk myself up to the point to take the drug.

Midnight- (T:00) I finally take the capsule. I also take some Immodium A-D to help with any stomach discomforts I might have. I then get up and walk around the house, doing a little cleaning to try and help occupy my mind.

12:45- (T:+45) No effects yet. My stomach is a little queasy, but nothing too alerting. I have a pretty strong stomach, so I’m not that surprised that the stomach discomfort is minimal. I feel nothing, so I go back onto erowid to see how long the drop period is. The internet points out that it is anywhere from 25-45 minutes. I’m reaching the end of this period and I decide that if I do not feel anything by 1:15 (T:+1.15) that I will make another capsule and down that.

1:15- (T:+1:15) Still nothing. I go and measure out 6mg and pop it in a capsule. Chug.

1:30- (T:+1:30)- I feel incredibly giddy. I remember just walking around naked dancing with myself, saying stupid stuff like, “this is so beautiful, everything is so beautiful.” My lights are off, except for a red tube light and a plasma light projector. I have the orb on in the background. There is something different about the way little fluffy clouds sounds. There is a slight echo feeling to the music. My red tube light seems to be glowing, radiating heat. My bf had bought me this great and dorky blue’s clues wand that lights up. I turn this on and dance around my room, the light makes incredible mda-like tracers. They are wonderful. I wish that I had a raver next to me to give me a glow stick light show.

1:35- (T:+1:45)- Now onto the second track on this cd. I listen to the song and it sounds like the cd is skipping. I go over and check the cd but the indicator light shows that it is playing normally. I think, this is odd, why does it sound like that? I listen on for several more tracks, but they all have this odd skipping sound to them, like the music is tripping over itself as it plays. I decide that I am over the orb and I change the disc over and listen to some non-descript trance music, which seems to be more soothing. Everything seems to be in surround sound. The music seems to come in waves hitting my body, and then surrounding, encompassing me. There is also a pretty heavy body load now. Touching my own skin is exhilarating but also almost too much to handle. The body load is weird. It almost feels like how you feel when you take Nyquil or something like that. My body did not feel like it was my own. The problem is there feels like there is too much going on all around me, the walls are beginning to breathe, the music is shifting all over the place, and time seems to be slowing down. There is still a slight euphoria to it all, but there is also a part of me that is taking a big gulp, cause I realize that I am not even close to the peak.

2:45- (T:2:45) I have to admit that at this point my recollection of what is going on is pretty blurry. I enjoyed the trip enough to make it through a whole cd. The last track is a bedrock mix, and this is somehow refreshing and reassuring. I turn off the plasma light projector because it seems to be overwhelming. If I stare at it, I just get sucked into it, almost like some portal. The body load is very intense, I am to the point where I want to jump out of my skin. I begin to look at my alarm clock and I realize that time is moving extremely slowly. Seconds seem like minutes or hours. It is somewhat disconcerting, because by this time, I’ve been tripping for about two hours, and I’m a little tired, but this just doesn’t seem to want to end. It continues to hit my body in waves. I don’t know particularly how to express this, but this does not feel natural, this does not feel real, it all feels fake.

3:30 (T:+3:30)- At this point, I get tired of listening to music and staring at my red tube light so I turn on the television. Big mistake. Somehow it makes it to the Jenny Jones show. Now, the Jenny Jones show is frightening while sober, so while tripping, it was extremely terrifying. I try and laugh at the show. It was about a guy who married someone who was old enough to be his grandmother. It should be comical, but there is something not comical about it at all. All of their voices seem to echo, they seem to repeat themselves. Its like my mind get stucks on something they say and it has to listen to it over and over again before moving on to the next sentence. Time seems to be almost non-existent. What seems like an hour is only a minute. Watching the television is extremely hard to do. The faces of the guests on the shows seem to morph, making their faces very elongating, and a little supernatural. I'm not sure at what point during watching this, but things become too much to handle. Jenny Jones looks like she has fangs when she talks, due to the shifting visuals, and this freaks the shit out of me. I start to panic. I change the channel, but everything just seems completely out of control.

3:50 (T:+3:50) I thought things should be settling down by now, but if anything this is intensifying. I can’t help it now, I’m starting to panic. I try and calm down, but everything is crazy. I pick up the phone and call my bf. At this point, I’m almost in tears, I tell him I need help, what I’ve done, and he starts to talk to me. Even this is scary because his voice seems different, a lower, darker tone. My bf used to be a substance abuse counselor, so he began to pull this training out and use it on me. He talked to me and told me to focus on my breathing to focus on each breath, but it was nearly impossible for me to focus on anything. He asked me how my fish were, I told him that they were asleep. He told me to go and turn on their light, and then just watch them. I tell him that they look very happy, and he tells me to focus on them.

4:00am (T:+400) Time is moving sooo slowly. I’m watching my alarm clock, praying that the minute hand will begin to move more quickly. My bf tells me to stop focusing on the time and he begins to talk about anything. I put on some Celtic music and it is somewhat soothing. Its hard for me to hold the phone, it feels like my hand and the phone are one, I can’t distinguish where one ends and the other begins. The walls are still breathing, nothing seems real. He continues to talk to me about nothing for the next two and half-hours. There is just way too much going on to focus on any of it completely, the visuals are still everywhere, I decide to turn on the lights which seems to help bring me back to reality somewhat.

6:30am (T:+6:30) I am now starting to get back to normal. but it still hits me with waves. I believe that I am coming back to reality and then another strong wave hits you. It is totally like being in the ocean, not watching you back and being knocked over by a wave. I finally, think that I am able to function without the boyfriend, and I tell him thank you thank you thank you and then just lay in bed. Its soo wonderful seeing the sunrise, I know that I am almost over this.

8am (T:+8:00) The effects are mostly gone, and I can now get a little sleep. Thank fuckin god.


I’m very wary of saying anything like this was a good/bad trip. I’ve decided that I made several mistakes in this trip.

One, since I wasn’t feeling anything with the first dose, I should have left it there and just tried it again another night. Taking a second dose definitely put me over my threshold, and was too much to take.

Second, I should have had a trip sitter with me. I’m a total introvert and I love using MDMA/MDA/cannabis at home alone. I love the introspective qualities they bring. Thank god the bf was only a phone call away, but it would have been better if he was there.

My major problem with foxy was that nothing seemed real. I always knew that this was a chemical in my body, and it never had a natural, organic feel.

My advice to others would be just to be careful. I read the trip reports, I did my research, but I still wasn’t prepared for the ride.

I’ve always fantasized that I am some type of psychonaut in training, and now I think that I will leave that for other people. I will be quite happy to return to my MDMA for a little while. I need to sit back and think about this a little more! I’ll probably give foxy another try sometime, but only with a good friend by my side.

The psychedelic qualities of this drug completely blew me away. Everything was morphing around me. I never felt the erotic component of foxy, but I believe that is probably because my dose was a little overboard.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13502
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 26, 2002Views: 16,169
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5-MeO-DiPT (57) : Alone (16), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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