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A Separate Universe
Nitrous Oxide
by Dina
Citation:   Dina. "A Separate Universe: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp13625)". Jan 11, 2018.

4 hits inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
I have been using Nitrous Oxide for a few months now and I'd have to say it is my favourite drug in the world. There are really no places where I can obtain N20 except from whipped cream cans, abundantly bought at the grocery store. I buy so many per week that my mother is astounded because she thinks I actually eat all the whipped cream I buy. Little does she know I don't even touch it.

Anyway, I inhale an average of around 4 hits of nitrous in a row. During the past three or four experiences, I came to realize something important. While I'm on the nitrous, I saw, I felt, no, I *knew* that I was in another world. During the high, I realized that there was a whole other universe existing in life. It felt like a universe at the time, but each time I look back on it it seems more of another level of consciousness. Either way, I knew that this whole separate world existed, and that I was in it, and I felt that not many people had been to this place, that it was pure and uncorrupted and absolutely beautiful in its simpleness.

Let me set something straight. I did not have any hallucinations or see any imagery whatsoever. This was purely a world that existed on a conscious plane. All this I discovered in two experiences, and the last time I inhaled nitrous it felt not new, but at first as if I was on the road to this separate world, and then there I was, inside it, and I knew everything was beautiful and I understood firmly that this world existed.

Another interesting thing that I noticed about nitrous is the way music is relayed into the brain. Every time I've done nitrous I've had trance-techno music playing in the background. And as soon as I was out of the 'new world' (it usually only lasted around 10 secs inside it) I became aware that I was under nitrous, although I was still heavily stoned. And as soon as that realization takes hold, I listen to the music and I swear, every time that I'm under nitrous the music sounded as if it was the exact same song that was playing the last time I did nitrous, and this happened around 4 times in a row, in a span of 3 weeks. It goes so far as me predicting how the next two notes of the song would be, and then of course having those predictions be wrong. This is a very weird feeling.

All in all, I think nitrous oxide has gotten me into a completely new plane of existence, and it's really showed me pure beauty in life.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13625
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2018Views: 1,177
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