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My Drug of Choice
Oxycodone (Oxycontin)
Citation:   The Housefly. "My Drug of Choice: An Experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin) (exp13707)". Jun 14, 2002.

40 mg oral Oxycodone (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: Because opiate use can lead to significant tolerance (requiring higher doses for the same effects), the dose used by a first time user is significantly smaller than that used by a regular user. It can be extremely dangerous to choose ones dose on the basis of the amount taken by someone else. Overdoses of opiates can be fatal.]
Oxycontin is definately my drug of choice. Not always because it is my choice. The drug in itself gives me the most euphoric high I've ever felt. I have had alot of experience with other substances and none compare to OC. I never take more than one 40 mg pill crushed and taken orally. The effects usually hit at around 45 minutes. This is becuase I have a high tolerance for opiates.

The euphoric high will last until I pass out. Smoking weed while on OC intensifies the opiate 'buzz' for me. I won't take OC without weed.

OC's have a very high addiction level. Take it from someone who knows. I sit and wait for my friend to get off work everyday to get some more. My tolerance went up very fast. I began by only eating 20 mg. By the end of the month I was taking 40mg, and wanting more. I know better though and restrict myself to 40mg. After several days w/o OC I begin to 'fiend out' and can't sleep. My appetite will go and come back in the strangest hours. I get stomach pains and cramps. Sudden bursts of energy that almost feel like anxiety. Also at any given time while on OC I begin to feel sick and even vomit.

The euphoric high. The ability to be comfortable anywhere. A great sense of well being. I feel like I own the world and nothing can go wrong. At the same time that I have this unbelievable body buzz, I can still maintain balance, maybe a little swaying. Advantages are that I'm not as incoherent as I may be on other substances, but at the same time I'm wasted. Social skills are heightened. I can fall asleep when I want. While I'm on the substance I can eat, unlike the on other substances.

Note that all this is my personal experience with OC. You may hate it. Remember everyone reacts differently to everything.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 13707
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2002Views: 71,514
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Health Problems (27), Addiction & Habituation (10), Unknown Context (20)

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