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K Waves
Ketamine & Cannabis
Citation:   Dubya Jr.. "K Waves: An Experience with Ketamine & Cannabis (exp13865)". Sep 8, 2004.

T+ 0:00
50 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:10 25 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:20 25 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:25 25 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:35 1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:40 25 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:59 1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
A close friend beamed this story directly from his head into mine as I transcribed it. Last time he checked he weighed 209 lbs. His story goes like this:

I had been reading a thread on a popular web board about the rumour of Ketamine not being stable and degrading after weeks or months. Not having done K in quite a while, and having 150 mg in a gelcap that'd been stored in a cool, dark place for three years, I wondered if it was still any good. I felt it would be since it's an Hcl but wasn't quite sure. I'm happy to report that it still was.

My prior experiences had been in group situations or sometimes parties. It never seemed very appropriate for those situations, and the use of it as a club drug as has become popular in the UK has never made sense to me. Since my plans for that Saturday night had all fallen through, I was home alone with free time, and decided it would be worth experimenting with mixing K and cannabis as I'd also been reading about on a popular web board.

I was also interested in slowly ramping up rather than taking it all on at once. I tend to do that with most substances anyway, perhaps in an attempt to be cautious, but I also like being able to gauge the effects as they come on and explore them, rather than being overwhelmed. I had also been reading about doing less on the initial intake and then bumping through the evening as a way to spread the experience out over a much longer period of time.

These notes were transmitted after the experience. Set was relaxed, open-minded, not under any strain or concern although overall I'd been experiencing light depression in recent weeks. Had a few bad days in the prior week but was feeling fit and clear. Setting was home alone in a house, doors locked, phone unplugged (or so I thought.) Got music and video together in the bedroom and started just after midnight.

T-0:10 - drank orange juice and water. Had eaten early that evening. Confirmed weight of K at 150 mg with scale, got out some so-so cannabis and loaded a small bong hit. Chopped down the K with a razor, drawing it into 3 approx. 50 mg lines.

T+0:00 - Checked the clock, and insufflated the first line. Slight burn. Turned the sound down on the TV and put on a Roy Montgomery CD. Post nasal drip not helped by saline spray but a cherry cough drop does wonders. Yum.

T+0:07 - Not feeling anything at all. Wondering if 50 mg was too far below a threshold dose, or that it'd gone bad over the years of storage? I'm a big person so 50 mg isn't much. Tempted to do another line but decided to wait at least 10 minutes for signs. Impatience coming from time dilation? Probably.

T+0:10 - Finally getting that little disassociative feeling which is very hard to describe. Decided to bump with half another line, approx. 25 mgs. Slight burn, cough drop helps a lot.

T+0:15 - Definitely coming on now, the K seems as potent as it originally was. Enjoying watching Sat. Night Live without sound and music playing. Turned off the overhead light and used a lamp. Definitely drifting and feeling off-balance, decided to lay down.

T+0:20 - Over the last minute I've gone from somewhat high to almost
completely lucid. The only reminder that I was on K was the slowness in moving my limbs. This was the start of what I'd call the 'K waves' which I found to be extremely pleasant. Snorted the rest of the 25 mg line putting me up around 100 mg. Burn somewhat worse.

T+0:25 - The 'waves' of consciousness going between floating and a fairly disconnected experience, to being totalled lucid continue. I'm feeling very high for about 5 minutes, then very lucid for 1-2. My thoughts during that time are completely clear, and I find myself having insights that I only attribute to certain psychedelics. Body is fairly numb at this point and body load is non-existent, similar to an opium haze but mentally very different. Very carefully cut up remaining 50 mg line into two parts, focusing with eyes, and snort one, putting me at approx. 125 mg so far.

T:0:35 - Spent the last ten minutes continuing to drift from feeling far away, music sounding distant and cut up, and occasionally glancing at the images on the TV, back to periods of lucidity that last 1-2 minutes. Extremely enjoyable and I'm grinning and laying with that splayed, happy, laid-out posture. During second lucid wave I decide to go ahead with the cannabis and smoke a small bowl, repacking a large one.

T:0:40 - Here's where the fun really started. For the next hour or so I was able to lay back and drift on the music. As I drifted off into reverie I would watch the images on the TV, grinning at how silly they seemed out of context. Then I would lay back for 5 or so minutes and enjoy simple CEVs. It was completely under my control, drifting in and out of these states.

A recurring theme was a field of colored pixels which represented one of the color receptors in my eye. The optic nerve manifested itself as a glowing hole surrounded by a crackling, changing aura. Geometric patterns kept emerging and drifting away. Then I would drift back to being lucid, where the music would return to normal, and I'd sit up and think about things for a couple of minutes before drifting off again.

The whole pixelated/geometric effect K has on me I refer to as 'going 8-bit' or 'Entering Atari Graphics Mode.' It's quite enjoyable, sort of like being in the movie Tron. I didn't expect to get that effect from bumping up slowly to the level I was at, but I did, and unlike when I do a dose all at once, I was able to turn this effect 'on and off' with just a little concentration. At the same time, I was able to avoid the nausea I sometimes get from the 'motion effects' of K, where it seems like you're moving through tunnels or across vast plains. I'm sure the cannabis helped with the nausea too.

At some point the Montgomery CD ended and I put on a Bardo Pond disc. There was a little trismus (jaw tension) but it was easy to recognize and stop.

After about 45 minutes I decided that I wasn't going out far enough, and that I should ease myself into a deeper state. It worked wonderfully. I was able to let myself fall off into swimming fields of colors and patterns, or gliding through tunnels and ranges of open multicolored spaces. If things were getting uncomfortable, it was easy to open my eyes and stop the CEVs, then let myself drift back. I continued going in waves between this state and lucid, with the former getting shorter and the latter longer, for about an hour total.

T:1:40 - Had another bong hit and decided to bump with the remaining 25 mg. Sent me off on the same path as before for the next two hours before I drifted off to sleep.

There were only a couple of minor downsides. One was that I thought I'd turned off the phone but hadn't, and someone called at 4AM and woke me up, startled. I didn't answer it because I couldn't think of anyone I'd want to talk to, but ended up not being able to sleep for over an hour because of that silly train of thought.

The other downside was being tired and wiped out despite 9 hours of decent sleep. I was dragging all afternoon the next day until I had a coffee, which set me off in the other extreme. My body clock seemed to have reset and I have been on a weird sleep/wake cycle for 72 hours since. Started taking melatonin in the hopes of getting back on a regular schedule, and that's working, should have started it sooner.

The last was the paranoia brought on by the weed, but I find it's fairly easy to recognize and then have a laugh about.

Overall it was an amazing experience. I think it's much more suited to solo or small group trips in a quiet, comfortable indoor setting. I can't see ever wanting to do it at a party again. The combo with cannabis, waiting until it's starting to peak, was perfect and brought out the psychedelic qualities in a gentle, comfortable manner.

Ramping up slowly in bumps was also great. It probably wouldn't appeal to those that like that big 'whoosh' all-at-once hit that some drugs give, but the only time I like that is with MDMA or MDA. When I eat 'shrooms I tend to space it out over the course of up to two hours to get a slow climb to a peak and down again.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 13865
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 8, 2004Views: 24,637
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Ketamine (31) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), General (1)

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