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40 Years Within One Hour
Morning Glory
Citation:   Darkruler. "40 Years Within One Hour: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp13937)". May 22, 2007.

170 seeds oral Morning Glory (tea)
I have read much about hallucinogenic plants and drugs before the first time I took this. I've read almost everything I could find on the 'net. I was especialy interesed in LSD - the drug-legend and the gold standard of psychedelic substances. I've studied many trip-reports and articles from both WWW and Usenet. I wanted to try it one day. I knew that commonly in my country one is not able to find LSD on the blotter, one is not able to find even any tryptomine there. Those drug pushers sell you DOB or some other shit instead of acid, but I wanted only acid. I've read much about the LSA, substance very similiar to LSD, that can be found in Ipomoea Morning Glory seeds. I've decided to try it. I had only some expierience with pot and alcohol before.

I visited a number of shops, where people usually buy seeds of flowers and plants. Finally I found it. Hello. Can you help me? Have you got any bindweeds? What do I mean? I mean Ipomoea. You will show me? Thanks a lot. I was given a number of packs of different varieties of Ipomoea. There was plenty of different plants, some of them really beautiful, but I needed only those blue - here it was called Ipomoea tricolor (Blue Star). I need those blue. Thanks a lot. No, I don't need those purple, I need these blue only. Yes, I know, that those purple are magnificient, too. How many packets do I need? How many do you have? Twenty one? All of them. Thanks a lot.

I took those packets and put them into my pocket. I went home. I needed to check whether those seeds had been treated with fungicides, insecticides, herbicides or not. Producers of these seeds sometimes treat them with poison to make people who eat them feel sick. The only way here is the experiment. I want to be a sciencist one day! So I took 80 seeds (4 packs), put them into coffee grinder (thanks for the inventor of that fantastic device), grinded them, then put into a glass, and poured some water into the glass. It looked like a white-yellow powder with strange smell of spice. Then I mixed the contain.

I feeled a bit scared - 'how it would be' I thought, but made an effort and drinked the liquid. I went to the room, and began to wait. I thought about poisoning with chemicals, that could be on the seeds. After 20 minutes I felt a bit dizzy and stoned. After one hour I felt (it was as sudden as turning on the light) the energy and diziness slightly began to slowly disappear. I felt high, and I moved very quickly, I felt some power in my muscles. I was watching TV, but at that moment my perception of sound altered, although it wasn't so wided like with Mary Jane. I heard all sounds in a very strange way - I understood that those seeds had taken effect, and now my brain operates with sound in a different way. Sounds from TV made me nervous, I could stand them, so I turned th TVset off and rested on the bed. There was an old alarm clock in that room, and sound of its ticking was like metronome. It ticked slower than normally.

It was dusk, and it was quite dark in the room. I looked on the checked rug on which I was laying at that moment. The lines on it were slightly moving and changing its shape, they seemed not straight. It was light hallucination. Then I looked on the picture hanging on the wall and abruptly I saw the flash of red light coming from the picture and heard a strange sound. It was like computer textured 3D graphic shining above me. It quickly dissapeared. This event took less than second. I felt scared, but there were almost no hallucinations till the end of the session. Maybe some very slight visual distortions at the boundary of imagination.

My thoughts quickly chased each other in my mind. That was continuos and rapid rush of ideas and dreams. My mind was really clear. I listened to the music and it had some emotional effect on me. I felt pretty relaxed and daydremt about summer. At last I watched a movies on TV - 'The Dark City' and then a thrilling film based on a novel by Stephen King. Can't remember its name.

I tested those seeds. I knew that they are not treated or toxic. So, we planned a LSA session with a friend of mine (let's call him Alf). It was arranged on Sunday.

31-Mar-2001, Sun

We had 17 packets of Ipomoea tricolor (20 seeds in one). After checking a dose of 80 seeds 3 days before we knew they were non-toxic. Alf came to me at 11:45. We opened packets and divided seeds into identical portions with 170 seeds in each. Then I grinded each portion using an old cofee-grinder. It took me about 20 secods to grind each portion seeds into the powder. I had read, that 170 seeds could produce the effect similiar to medium dose of LSD. I put each portion into a cup and poured each with cold water. Then we drank it. I drank all, but my friend couldn't stand the taste of it and left some light-yellow residue on the bottom of the cup. As for me, the liquid had no taste at all. I just swallowed it without tasting.

12:15 We went to my room and started to wait for the effects to occur. We both had no special plans for the trip. Now I consider it is bad. We were sitting in my room and watching TV. We felt sick, but were able to stand it. It was unpleasant. We began to read a book loudly to engage our heads in something different than thinking about the nausea. At 13:15, exactly after one hour we took it, I nearly vomited, but my friend persuaded me to make an effort and not to bring up. I stood it. Always trip with your friend! After one minute the nausea moved to the second plane, and I felt the treshold effects of LSA. I stood up from the sofa and began to walk arround. I felt very lightly, and everything in the room was strange. I mean the things looked normally, but I understood everything in a different, odd way. I had a felling like after smoking some pot. The sense of fantastic world around intensified. Alf hadn't any special effects at that very moment, but he said that he was having just a strange felling. He had never take any drugs exept pot (one time) and alcohol (russian ammounts).

The treshold effects of many different psychedelic drugs are the same - strange, difficult to describe feeling of 'unreality'. One part of me is here and know, but deeper part of my ego is somewhere else, not here. Things around look weird and ambigous. Reality is different. I have a distant point of view. My senses are clear, sometimes I can say that before I took the drug I was blind. I feel like a child, who don't have any opinion about the world yet, so understand it for the first time, with no complexes. This pleasant weird feeling of leaving normal world comes first of all.

We turned on the music. It was some compilation of Pink Floyd. After psychedelics music sounds great. Listening to it is one of my favorite activities when I am in altered state of mind. Music really takes me into another world. I could certainly understand a sense of evey song and what did the composers feel when they had composed it. I felt music in my head. It seemed to apperar directly in my brain and having no external source. It was everywhere - inside and outside of my body. Alf felt the same. Pink Floyd was very psychedelic and took us to the world of rock-music. But this was only coming up.

At about 1:30 after ingestion a first visual distortion appeared - all edges of furniture started to move slightly. The ceiling was moving, too. Alf still hadn't any effect. I looked at the packages laying in front of me and watched them dissapearing. I looked at them again - they were still there. I can explain it. There was a book-self behind the packages, and when I looked at them, the visible part of a book-self tiled like a texture in computer graphics and hid the packages from my eyes. This was a hallucination. I enjoyed looking at some thing with relaxed eyes and watching this thing dissapearing. It worked especially in the corner of my eyes and in the front the image was a bit blured like on immpressionist's painting. My friend began to hallucinate too.

We began to listen to the 'Dark side of the Moon' Pink Floyd's album. It was amazing. It intensified our trip. When I closed my eyes I still could see the room, but in a smotth color shift. Then I saw color spots moving nad changing its colors. They were related to the music. It was beutiful. I was sitting with closed eyes and watching this color show. I felt myself in a different world, world of my own. It was alternative reality. I was in my own mind being led by the music. When I opened my eyes I saw Alf with his palms on his face. He told me that he wasn't here, but in some really realistic scene. He said it was like lucid dreaming.

I smoked a cigarette, and we were astonished because we suddenly found ourselves in the 60-ies in some american bar! We didn't see it, we were still in the room, but we were not here, but there - 40 years ago. The music took us to the past. It was so real. It was a realistic daydream. We were very impressed. It was cool to feel the 1960s. Rock took us there. We were in the 1960 together until the tape finished. Only when music disapeared we were again in the reality. This was astounding. Time-travel without moving. We began to listen to another tape - that was an opera 'Stabat Mater'. We found ourselves again in a different age - 1970s. I found myself in the Soviet Union in 1970s! The enviroment around was still the same, but origin of every object was understood like 1970s. Everything in my room seemed corresponding to 1970s, and I felt that age in my mind. I was there! After the tape finished we passed through the 1980s and then finally got to our times. It was fantastic: 40 years within 1 hour.

We looked at the clock and realized, that we were tripping only for 2 hours, but we both thought that hours (days) passed from the beginning of the trip. We were sitting and discussing our time travel. We think we can use music further to time-travelling. I want to go to the future using trance and techno music one day. We understood, that music that one listen on the LSA(LSD) can navigate his/her mind through the world of imagination.

Time perception was distorted, minutes were seemed like hours. We were talking about some philosophic problems and we understood them very deeply. We were able to understand out thoughts without comunicating. We could easily understand our feelings. We were very relaxed and felt some kind of empathy.

Flat pictures became 3-dimensional. I had sensivity of color increased. The world was much more 'colored' than normally. I felt like an artist. In every situation a saw an inspiration for some surrealistic painting. I understood at that moment, how an artist sees the world around. I was an artist! It was very pleasant to look at all varieties of colors. There were plenty of colored things around. The world was surrealistically unreal. It was in some way being created and modified by the imagination. I learned, that every person lives in such world of his/her own imaginations and sees all things around through complex relative truths, that he/she have learned by expieriens. I understood how does mind work and interact with the reality.

I had many visual illusions - looking constantly at one thing I saw it changing to something else. These changes were very smooth. Things were 'liquid'. Everything was 'liquid'. When I looked at Alf's face - it was smoothly changing. I saw different faces of one man. These face weren't random. Every face meant some quality of his character. They were combined in one personality. I learned that every person consist of different faces. He saw the same in my face. We were pretty relaxed. I had some colour hallucinations - e.g. I saw a gradient color aura around the light of a cigarette and a green opaque smoke elevating slowly.

We had to go to Alf's home before the evening. So at 17:30 we got out of my flat and went to the subway. We had elevated mood and were laughing constantly. On the street I felt the city. I felt it! I can't explain this. There was too much noise of cars and too many people. Commonly, the street can born a fantastic stream of thoughts and emotions, but it is too chaotic and dangerous for mind explorers. We felt ourselves like in a dream. Lucid dream. We got to a subway station. In the train Alf said that he could feel the tunnel and some kind of unity with the train. A was a bit desoriented. Finally, we got to Alf's home.

His mother didn't found out that we were tripping. She gave us some food and we began to eat our lunch. Everything was floating and moving all the time. The food moved in the plate, edges of the fridge were moving, walls were 'liquid'. We were eating very slowly, but I am not sure whether this wasn't an illusion. Then we went to Alf's room and began to play Counterstrike. The game was awfully stupid, boring and primitive. I never have had such conclussions before. We were too high to play a computer game, so we started to watch psychdelic demos. Goa trance was playing. I closed my eyes and saw colored, textured fractals. They were in my mind. They were too difficult to describe but they were extremely beautiful.

It was about 20:00 when I felt tired. I wanted to go home. So I said 'goodbye' to my friend and left him. When I went out to the street I felt very lonely. I was alone in this weird psychedelic world. I went to the subway station. It was like a computer game, virtual reality, LSA was the program in my biological computer of brain. On the way I saw some fantastic trees growing directly on the concrete in the corner of my eyes. On the way home in the train I heard two guys talking. I couldn't understand the language - the sounds were distorted. I concentrated on the words, and they smoothly gathered together and I became able to understand them. It was like playing with the radio and searching for some stations. Under the ground I felt like being lost in the big marble palace with plenty of rooms and corridors. It was very mystical expierience. Finally I got to my station. On the way home I felt myself in the future cyberpunk world being chased by something or somone. I felt uncomfortable in the empty streets, and calmed down when got to my flat. I locked the door.

When I am alone the trip is different than with a friend. I turned on tha radio and listened to some techno. Although the hallucinations almost dissapeared (it was about 22:00), I felt very strange. I had a cosmic felling of my own identity on the one hand and feeling of being a part of all humankind on the other. I thought very quickly and clearly. I thought about my future and my fate. I thought about the usage of acid by writers and artists. Writer can use it to imagine the world of his novel or to simulate the feelings and behavior of his heroes. At the same time I had an insight into my life. I understood my problems and ways to solve them. I could understand the feelings of other people, of my relatives. I knew what do they feel. I was like God. I understood and knew everything. This was a mystical expierience. I could write a book about both philosophy and psychology at that moment! This state of mind lasted about one hour. It abruptly dissapeared, and my thoughts became chaotic. Negative emotions of fear and doubt occured. My mood changed very quickly from good to bad and vice versa. This was very unpleasant and disruptive expierience. I realized how badtrip can happen.

I took old album with snapshots of my childhood and began to look at them. I felt like a child. I was so innocent. It was also mystical expierience. I realized, that only ten years passed and that it is nothing in the face of eternity. I went to bed at 3:00pm. I had some closed eye visuals, but finally felt asleep. The trip lasted for 1+10+4 hours

The next week I felt weirdly, had some light hallucinations and distortions, and understood everything in a strange way. Also my mood changed very often. I felt like after brain-washing. In about one week after-effects passed.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 13937
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 22, 2007Views: 9,581
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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