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LSA In The Forest
H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis
Citation:   FerrariDriver300. "LSA In The Forest: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose & Cannabis (exp14070)". Aug 7, 2022.

Repeated bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  11 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (seeds)
Yesterday I checked my mail to find 11 Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds I ordered from a site. Anyways around 5 pm a friend and me went out to a nearby forest with the seeds and my bubbler. We found a creek and sat and had a few bowls. It was a real nice place, sun was shining, clouds all around, trees and flowers were just blooming. I thought all of this was beautiful and the sound of flowing water added a great effect. Well I figured I had nothing to do that day so I took all 11 seeds. I weigh only like 150 lbs and I took 11 seeds, 7-12 is a strong dose. I am a pretty light guy but I have noticed I need high doses of everything to feel the normal effect.

Well I popped down the seeds, chewing them well. I was surprised they tasted rather pleasant. My friend and me had a few bowls and just chilled by the creek. In about 1 hour I was feeling them. Everything seemed brighter and I kept seeing a blue and red sign out of the side of my vision. I looked at clouds and they seemed to be changing shape very fast. I kept looking directly into the sun, every time I did I saw a tracer from it. I was surprised to find that I had no nausea at all just a little discomfort in my stomach. I kept forgetting what my friend was saying and my voice was a little different. By this time all my surroundings seemed brighter and still objects looked to be jittering and moving a little. We decided to go back to my house. The walk down to the creek seemed easy while sober but it seemed hard now. The weed we had was major couch lock weed and my friend and me were very tired. He didn’t eat any seeds, he just had a few bowls.

We started walking, I was very tired and had trouble balancing. My friend said my face was flushed and my pupils were very dilated. We kept walking, through the forest. My vision was very distorted, every time I looked somewhere I would see overlapping images of what I previously looked at and what I was looking at. My hearing seemed quiet and muffled. All of this wasn't bothering me much, it was kind of interesting. What was really bugging me was that I was very tired and I had to sit down every 100 feet or so. I would sit down and stare at the sky and sun, all changing colors and shapes.

We walked out of the forest and down to my house. We walked into my house and cleaned up, we were all muddy and dirty. I was feeling all right now, still tripping hard but I wasn’t feeling bad or anything. After I washed up and sat down I started sweating profusely, sweat ran down my shirt and all over my face. I wasn't feeling hot I was just sweating really badly. About 1 hour passed and my friend and me were watching TV. The sweating had passed but I started to zone out. My conscience seemed to be away from my body, something like what I feel from DXM. I seemed not to be able to control what I was doing, I could do what I wanted but I couldn’t really understand it.
I seemed not to be able to control what I was doing, I could do what I wanted but I couldn’t really understand it.
It’s really hard to explain so bear with me.

I was stumbling a lot and falling over. Now my friend left and I was alone. I seemed to be disconnected from my body and I could hardly feel my hands or feet. I just relaxed and watch TV. I had a lot of trouble getting comfortable and the room seemed VERY bright. Some colors were distorted and sounds were very quiet. I seemed to hate everything on TV so I put in Blow on. I watched about the first 45 minutes of it and then I just layed down. When I layed down I was in the same room as the TV but I couldn’t hear the movie at all. It was still on and when I watched it I could hear it but when I looked away there was silence, nothing but silence. My heart started beating very hard and fast and it was bugging me. I seemed to hear nothing but my heart beating, it was really loud and it was bothering me. I was lying down and every time I sat up I laughed loud and felt really happy. I didn’t really understand this but it kept happening for about 30 minutes.

At around 8:30 I went to the store to get some drinks, I was dehydrated because I had real bad cottonmouth and I had sweat a lot. Since the trip started I had drank nothing at all. Anyways, on the way to the store, the walk seemed to take hours. I saw I was walking at a normal pace but I seemed to move very slowly. I didn’t hear anything at all now unless I focused on it. Like as cars drove by the sidewalk I wouldn’t hear anything unless I looked at them. This was bugging me quite a bit so I tried to ignore it. When I got to the store I was sweating very badly again. Sweat poured off me and I didn’t feel too good.

This whole time I was seeing shapes and colors change a lot. I figured this was cool because I had never had hallucinations this strong before. Right after I got into the store everything got really bright. All the lights were hurting my eyes and everything had a whitish tint. I don’t think anyone in the store noticed anything because nobody looked at me strange. I walked home, stumbling and sweating pretty badly. I got home and tried to sleep but I couldn’t. I tossed and turned for about 3 hours. My pillow was all sweaty and it seemed to be shiny. When I closed my eyes I saw hexagons attached together in the shape of a star. It was changing colors and sizes. I don’t know if this is common but it was cool. Anyways I fell asleep finally, I don’t know how long it was though.

I got up in the morning not feeling quite normal but better. I think I would trip on Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds again but in better conditions and I would take less. I learned to respect drugs more and take a low dose first, then work my way up.

Anyways I have wrought enough,
Thanks for reading it!

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14070
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 7, 2022Views: 450
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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