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Mild Nausea My Ass
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   supahstarcari. "Mild Nausea My Ass: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp14310)". Feb 2, 2023.

5.4 g oral Morning Glory (extract)
I have tried robotripping and nutmeg. I wasn't really that excited about trying another alternative to acid. I heard from four people I work with that this actually did work so I decided to give it a try. Yesterday I got into this website to see how to prepare the seeds and read about other experiences. I chose the water extraction method because it seemed like the easiest. I'm no chemist and I'm not about to just chew up a bunch of flower seeds. So, I got three packs 1.8 grams each and put them in my coffee grinder. I put them in a glass with about 1 and 1/2 cups of water and let is sit for about 2 hours, stirring occasionally. After two hours I started pouring the liquid part of the mixture through a coffee filter. But it wouldn't soak through. So I used a metal mesh strainer instead. It worked fine.

I drank the liquid. I thought it was going to taste awful, but it didn't. I remember thinking it tastes kind of like the way tree bark smells. Then I went to watch Saturday night live while I waited for it to kick in. I was surprised at how fast it worked. After about ten minutes I started to feel a little stoned. And after about 20 minutes the nausea started. Whoa, mild nausea my ass. It took just about all my concentration not to throw up. I got so nervous, I hate throwing up. Duh, everyone hates that. I noticed my hands shaking a little. Nothing new, this usually happens no matter what drug I'm taking. But I noticed just the movement took my mind off the nausea so I decided to sit down at the piano and play for a while. It was so cool, with the nervous shakiness my fingers moved a lot faster than I can ever make them while I'm sober. And the sound coming from the piano was amazing.

By the time I lost interest in the piano the nausea had passed and I went upstairs to watch my media player visuals with music. I was listening to random house music I had downloaded in my computer. It was pretty nice. I was able to play with the colors and patterns the way I normally can with acid. When I got bored with that I looked around for something else to play with. I somehow became very interested in my cats. The way their fur looked and felt was so cool, and teasing them with a string. You would have thought I'd never seen a cat before. I must have been playing with them for about two hours.

Then I got the idea to watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I skipped through the first half and started at when all they kids first get to the factory. The chocolate room scene and the fizzy lifting drink scenes were great! All those colors and the music, very nice. I ended up falling asleep before the movie ended. But I woke up a few hours later with diarrhea and some pretty bad stomach cramps. It passed pretty quickly and I went back to sleep. I slept like a rock, and coming from a 10 year veteran of insomnia, that's one side affect I really enjoy.
I woke up a few hours later with diarrhea and some pretty bad stomach cramps. It passed pretty quickly and I went back to sleep. I slept like a rock, and coming from a 10 year veteran of insomnia, that's one side affect I really enjoy.

To me this experience was like one or two hits of acid. I had no head ache at all and the nausea would be unbearable, but it only lasted a few minutes. Honestly I would trade the nausea for the staying up all night and the weird paranoiac hangover.
I will surely do this again.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14310
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 2, 2023Views: 1,348
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