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Slow and Mellow All the Way to Bed
Carisoprodol (Soma)
Citation:   Big Jim. "Slow and Mellow All the Way to Bed: An Experience with Carisoprodol (Soma) (exp14387)". Jan 28, 2003.

700 mg oral Pharms - Carisoprodol (pill / tablet)
+8:00 pm PST
After a week of back pain I finally broke down and wanted to try some of my friends pills. This was the first time I have tried this drug and I wasn't sure what to expect. So I watched some TV and left the pills on the counter. I just wanted to look at the pros and cons of taking a pill I knew nothing about.

+8:30 pm PST
That's it!!! I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to numb this pain. I am a regular user of MDMA and just like everything else you should know your source and your body. So I split the pill and took half.

+9:30 pm PST
No adverse reaction no pain relief either. I take the other half and go down to the spa hoping that the pill might kick in. Damn there were some hot chicks in the spa......

+10:00 pm PST
Out of the spa and walking back to the house I felt a little out of the norm. Almost like a mild drunkness but not anything that was worth noting.

10:30 pm PST
These pills suck they don't do much. Or so I thought. So I took my second pill. As I was watching TV I suddenly realized that I was going into a dreamy phase. Things were still normal. I would say that they reacted very slow.

11:00 pm PST
Second pill is going pretty well. I am feeling no pain and I feel totally relaxed. I got to the point where TV was no more fun so I left for bed. I was out in a flash.

The only other thing I can compare my experiance to is taking two shots of nyquil. I mean I felt more relaxed and less drowsy but overall it was the same affect. I would recomend that you take the prescribed amount and if you are getting some from a friend start off with one and split the second tab. Better to be safe than sorry.

PEACE OUT..................

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14387
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 28, 2003Views: 53,892
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Pharms - Carisoprodol (186) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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