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Pure Delerium...My First Time With Dramamine!
Dramamine (dimenhydrinate)
Citation:   DXMTRIPPER. "Pure Delerium...My First Time With Dramamine!: An Experience with Dramamine (dimenhydrinate) (exp14507)". Erowid.org. May 7, 2004. erowid.org/exp/14507

300 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
Seeing all the Datura reports that have been posted I decided that I would share my first experience with Dramamine. Although different chemicals the Dramamine and datura trip are pretty much the same except for datura being a great deal stronger and scarier...just read the reports.

I first heard about Dramamine from a friend of mine. He told me that if I took all 12 of the pills that came in the container I would trip and see stuff. Being unaware at the time of what I was getting myself into I went and purchased a container of Dramamine. There were 12 pills that each contained 25 mg of the drug dimenhydrinate.

Before I began my mindset was pretty happy because I thought that I would get a good euphoria and see beautiful colors or at least that is what my friend told me. It was about 8:00 pm when I took all 12 of the pills. They tasted absolutely horrible and left a nasty aftertaste in my mouth but nothing a quick swig wouldn't take care of. I hadn't had very much experience with drugs except for alcohol and pot so I didn't really know what to expects. I sat down on the couch and started to watch some TV.

After about 45 minutes I got really sedated and it felt okay for about 15 minutes but after that I just get getting more tired than I had before. Whe I say I got tired I don't mean like tired when you take a prescription tranquilizer, I mean the kind of tired when you stay awake for 2 or 3 days in a row. Not too fun. After I was about an hour and a half into the experience I decided to go in and get a shower. I literally stumbled into the bathroom and could see spots and stuff moving out of the corners of my eyes. I became very paranoid and looked around expecting someone to jump out at me...it was pretty freaky. I finally got to the shower and I turned on the water and even though I was alone I could have sworn that I heard my name being called over and over again. It was pretty scary because it sounded like my little sister's voice and she was 200 miles away.

I finally made it through my shower and decided I had had enough and it was time to go to bed. I lied down and got the worst muscle twith in my right leg...it was so bad and uncomfortable that it kept me awake and for the next two hours I watched spots and movement on my bedroom wall. Eventually after the drug went through my system I just fell asleep.

Overall, I would say that Dramamine has some recreactional value...if you like delerium and being very tired. I won't lie I did see stuff but it wasn't what I had expected. While on a Dramamine trip one isn't able to discern what is real and fake either. It is pretty strange. If I were to repeat the experience I would take a stimulant along with the Dramamine to keep me awake but I don't think that this would be very good for the heart. Well, I just thought I would share that with ya'll. Take care.


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 14507
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 7, 2004Views: 18,724
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Dimenhydrinate (17) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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