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A Night Like No Other
Citation:   Shaun. "A Night Like No Other: An Experience with Cannabis (exp14589)". Mar 31, 2005.

0.75 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Smoking pot has always intrigued me. I'm currently a full-time student at an art college in Boston, and we usually only smoke in our room, rarely leaving the dorm building while high. However, on one soft and warm spring night, myself and four others decided to walk over to a park half a mile away to smoke and take in our surroundings. Here is that story.

[as a side note, I don't use any other drugs besides marijuana - I don't drink, I don't take shrooms, I don't even smoke cigarettes - I've only smoked hash once]

We sat underneath some trees in the park as two bowls rotated around our small group - one, a glass sherlock, was very nice on the lungs, and it's over-sized bowl had been packed with a large, full bud. The other piece, a corn-cob pipe, was filled half-way with the same type of pot. The smoke was clean and smooth as it filled our lungs. The moonlight and scattered street lamps along the park walkway caught the smoke as it drifted towards the trees.

I began to get high while the pipes were still going around. By the time the last hit was taken from Alice, the sherlock, all five of us had entered a different state of mind brought on by this beautiful green plant. Everyone had been good about passing the pipe after taking a hit, and this calmed me - I don't like people who hold the pipe while exhaling the smoke, as their purpose is usually to draw attention to themselves.

Being in such an environment while stoned was incredible - the trees and plants had bloomed forth with flowers and green leaves, and the street lamps cast a soft gold glaze over the earth. I began to smile as I realized that this gold color was not something I saw every day in central Boston. It was something different, and I think my friends realized the same thing. Nonetheless, I began talking about what I saw. The more I talked, the further I was pulled into this utopia of green and gold. I began to realize this, and I stopped talking. Wow, I thought... and I made a note in my head about where pot can take me when I allow myself to be pulled into something by talking or thinking about it. That same softly overwhelming feeling came back later...

We decided to lay down in the middle of a dimly-lit basketball court on the edge of the park. No one else was around, and this helped to keep our group of five focused on each other and nature around us. I rested in the exact center of the court, laying with my feet half a foot apart and my arms straight out to the side. The few clouds overhead were moving slowly to the right, and I began to imagine the earth as an eye. I was in the center of the pupil, and the clouds were small tears moving across the surface. I began to allow my imaginiation to pull me further into that realm, and ideas started to soar out of my brain - I was in the center of an eye looking at molecules [the stars]. My hands and feet felt like they were comfortably rooted into the ground, and I could control every movement of the eye by paying attention to a certain part of my body. Imagining an image of my left hand rotating the eye to the left caused me to see the stars differently than if I imagined my right arm doing the rotating. I told my nearby friends about this as I lay still on the ground, and I could hear them agreeing with me as I was pulled even further into this world I was imagining. Once again, talking about my current experience drew me farther and farther into my imagination, and my thoughts became more complex. I imagined myself falling backward toward the earth and entering the atmosphere [I had done this on a previous high]. I was not afraid at all as I actually felt warm tongues of smooth fire wrap around my arms, pull through my toes and groin, past my skull, and through my back. This is not something I usually experienced while stoned, and it felt incredible to have the ability to bring my physical existance into a totally different realm.

I was also surprised at the fire's temperature. Normally, fire burns flesh and does harm to the skin and body - but this was different. I imagined the fire as a neutral element, one that could move across and past my body with no effect other than my skin feeling warm. It was unbelievable. And again, as I told my friends what I was feeling, that feeling became stronger.

Time passed, and we eventually explored a few more places in the park before heading back to the dorm. Along the way we climbed 20 feet up into a huge tree at the edge of the park. I was a bit frightened coming back dowm from that height, but I felt that the tree had left a sort of imprint in my mind. It was related, in a way, to the pot we had allowed to enter our bodies. And, in fact, everything about our bodies, the marijuana, the tree, and the sky was related somehow, and this comforted me all the way back to our dorm.

The experience we shared is something I won't forget. The planets aligned for us that night, and we took our minds to a new dimension, with the kind help of a friendly plant.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14589
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 31, 2005Views: 4,933
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Cannabis (1) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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