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Happening As I Write it
Morning Glory
Citation:   i of the maggot. "Happening As I Write it: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp14597)". Jul 12, 2021.

200 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
I'm a very experienced pot head, and have tried a few of the white powders, but my heart isn't in great shape so I tend to stick to the nice slow stuff. I got into morning glories because I thought acid looked like something fun. I live at the southern tip of Texas, (we call it part of Mexico) and all you can get here is crappy coke and lots of Mexican brick pack weed really cheap. Anyway, the acid seemed cool but we can't get any here, so I looked into morning glories. Ok, so I'm working in this hardware store today, and my pothead buddy J, whom I've told about morning glories, brought me five packets of heavenly blues with 1.8 grams of seeds per pack. I just counted out two piles of close to 175 seeds, and after researching, I thought I should start with a 200+ dose. I can handle my shit.

Okay, here we go.
1am - I just ground up about 200 seeds to a powder with my parent's coffee grinder, and dumped it in to 8 ounces of warm water with a spoon of sugar in it.

1:05am - I drank it down pretty fast. It didn't taste all that bad. Just kind of plant-like. I heard about the nausea, so I'll take a gulp of pepto bismal liquid.

1:30am - No real feeling. Just sort of heaviness in my stomach. I don't think I'll puke. Maybe another gulp of pepto.

1:45am - Uh oh. I thought I'd be able to hold it down. I don't feel so good. Oh fuck. Awww fucking shit. Okay, I got the pukey feeling, and about two minutes later I puked three times in rapid succession. Ugggh.

2:00am - Feeling much better since I puked. I know it sounds weird, but I guess puking wasn't all that bad. It went fast. I'm starting to feel this cozy feeling. And colors seem to be brighter.

2:30am - Colors are very bold, and it's a little hard to read. Things are blurry. Cozy feeling is nice.

3am - I guess this is plateau for my dose. Colors are pretty, I feel pretty good, and when I stare at something, it seems to bend and contour. Odd.

3:30am - Yes. For this dose (whatever I got before I puked) I got a pretty nice head trip. No real hallucinations, just an altered state of mind.

Conclusion: The day after tomorrow I'm going to get 300 seeds, only I'm going to take them 50 seeds every thirty minutes. Same way- ground up and in water. Maybe if I do it slow, I won't puke. Seems like there could be potential for fun here.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14597
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 12, 2021Views: 727
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2)

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