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My Great Trip
Morning Glory
Citation:   Experienced_Tripper. "My Great Trip: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp14642)". May 14, 2002.

6.0 g oral Morning Glory
The reason I am writing this is because back in Febuary 2002 I
decided to experiement with Morning Glory seeds. I accidentally
came upon this website and actually researched the seeds before
trying them. You guys gave me so much good information that I
decided I should give back.

Here's how it all happened for me. On 1 afternoon I went up to
the local K-Mart to look for MG:HB seeds. While in there I found
Martha Stewart brand MG:HB seeds. I proceeded to buy 4 packs
(6grams, roughly 240 seeds). Then I came home and prepared the
seeds. I washed them with dish washer soap, then dryed them on a
paper towel, then ground them up in a coffee grinder.

At 9pm I poured the seeds into a cup of water. Then drank the
potion and ate the remaining chunks of seeds. It was pretty
nasty but definetly wasn't that bad. At about 20 minutes the
effects started to kick in. But these were mild effects. Also
though, my stomach started to hurt and my limbs became very
heavy. So i drank some pepto to help my stomach. At about 1 hour
the effects really started to kick. And once the trip began to
take over all stomach pain just left. At 1st I began to think of
it as just a mild acid trip, which I was happy with. It wasn't
untill about 2 or 3 hours into it that the MG trip REALLY began
to kick hard. Then it felt exactly like an acid trip. Walls were
rolling and breathing. When i walked around the house the floor
began to slant. It felt like the world was tilted. Once I turned
the kitchen light on I was very light senstive. It felt as if
everything was glowing around me. Best way to describe it is,
imagine walking out into the street in the middle of the night,
standing directly under a street light, you can feel the light
beaming down on you. Honestly, the peak lasted from about 11pm
to 5am. It was very intense and lasted for a very long time. and
i mean peaking, I'm not counting the 'afterglow', which as
everyone knows goes on for many hours after the peak is gone.

In conclusion, I highly recommend it, it was fantastic. I've
read many negative reports on here, and I've come to many
conclusions. Maybe they had to low a dosage, got bad seeds, or
weakened the seeds during the extraction process. My advice,
get at least 6grams, clean them, dry them, grind them, drink
them. And don't forget the pepto.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14642
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 14, 2002Views: 33,008
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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