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Enjoyable and Overdose (Log)
Citation:   mikeyMarb. "Enjoyable and Overdose (Log): An Experience with Methylphenidate (exp14724)". Jan 14, 2005.

  oral Pharms - Methylphenidate (pill / tablet)
After experiencing many highs off of Ritalin, I decided to write a log of my experience having a good high on this drug, and another log of having an experience with too much of this drug

-Good Experience-
8:30am, I was given one 20mg tablet of Ritalin, as prescribed for ADD. I decided to grab two more tablets, so I can enjoy a nice high. I then swallowed them.

9:00am, I started feeling the effects, my mood is very high, since I have the whole house to myself until 3:00pm, I started to enjoy my high.

9:05, started to feel a warm, comfortable, relaxed feeling flow through my body, sitting on the computer, I decided to listen to music and have a cigarette, the music made my mood about 3 times better than usual, I sat their with my mouth open in a trance to focus on one thing, as I puffed my cigarette, it felt purely wonderful, tasted alot better, the rush of the cigarette combined with the effects of ritalin, was heaven.

9:30, sat talking to people in chat rooms, I felt a connection with everyone, and a sense of bonding.

10:00, I continued to do this, my appetite was down, no desire for food at all. at there enjoying myself, let me tell you, time flies by really fast. I decided to do homework, homework was actually fun to do, writing with a was great.

These effects went on until about 1:00pm, after that I had mild depression, anxiety, tension,...a craving for more

- The overdose -

9:00am, a few days later I took 4 tablets, and a half of one, the effects came in about 9:30, for some reason I felt uncomfortable

9:25am, I felt very uncomfortable, I felt like I was in a bad haze, felt very dumb, with a low IQ, the thoughts in my head felt a little un-real, like being half asleep..and visualizing, or saying the wrong things about a situation that doesnt exist..I felt tired, my appetite wasnt gone was very weird, and very uncomfortable, this went on for about 4 hours, after that I was calm the whole day, with anxiety, depression, and so on..

This substance to me is very addicting, and it ruined relationships with others, I do not have the energy to give this up, so people be safe.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 14724
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 14, 2005Views: 36,978
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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