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Quite An Impressive Tryptamine
Citation:   Mind Eclipse. "Quite An Impressive Tryptamine: An Experience with 5-MeO-DiPT (exp14774)". May 21, 2002.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (capsule)
  T+ 0:30 7.0 mg oral 5-MeO-DiPT (capsule)
This was my first time with 5-MeO-DiPT. Let me warn everyone.... this tryptamine can actually be a very powerful one.

I've had previous experiences with LSD, DXM, Dimenhydrinate, AMT, 5-MeO-DMT, 4-Acetoxy-DET, MDMA, psilocybin, morning glory, nitrous, and salvia, and can now conclude that foxy is different for the most part from all of these substances.

I was expecting what everyone told me to expect: a light physical stimulation (a horny feeling), along with minor visuals, which can be intensified with pot, as someone else described it, 'acid-lite'. I recently learned that this is not always true.

I was told by one friend to start off at around 10mg, since there was a possibility that my foxy could be very potent, and another friend, who acquired his foxy from the same supplier, told me that this is a weak psychoactive and should first be tried at 15+ mg. I decided that I needed two capsules, one with around 10mg and another with around 7mg, in case I felt I needed more.

I took the 10mg capsule at around 11:30 PM. Nothing happened within the first half hour, no nausea of any sort, so I decided to take the other 7mg while the trip was still coming on. Within the next twenty minutes, I noticed a very light physical feeling begin to come on, and very light visuals. The visuals, at this point, consisted of a color shift, where everything in my eyesight looked like it all was tinted with a light pink. My and my friend did agree that we were incredibly horny. This feeling was centered in the crotch area; it felt like there was a warm surface covering my penis and testes. We were both getting angry that every commercial we saw was showing some sort of females showing off their bodies or doing sexual things with someone.

The visuals gradually picked up over the period of an hour. At first the trails were very light, now they were beginning to get more intense. When I moved my arm across my field of vision, I would see the bluish trail my arm made over a distance of 4 feet. My field of vision now consisted of colorful patterns, in comparison to the patterns I've seen on other tryptamines, these patterns were a lot more crisp, with definite edges to them. For example, I'd see vertical teal ribbons, each ribbon would be twisted neatly around another ribbon. So far, I'd compare this feeling I'm having to the earthy and stoney feeling one finds with salvia and psilocybin.

At this point, I decided that 5-MeO-DiPT is a weak substance, so I thought I should go smoke some pot. As me and my friend were getting ready to go outside and do this, I suddenly got the idea that pot would definately not be neccessary. Objects began to morph and change dimensions. My friend went outside to smoke, and I stayed in the media room watching television. It was late night and I was watching MTV2, which shows some excellent music videos for tripping at this hour on Friday nights.

My mind started displaying the fractal that it is made out of to me; I saw a very intricate 3D blue and red patterned DNA-like twist displayed in my head. I saw this very trippy music video by Cher, and it was completely mind blowing. My mind was full of the fractals I saw in that video, and I felt as though Cher's zombie-like eeriness was part of my spirit. It felt like I was watching this music video for half an hour. I also saw the music video for 'Weapon of Choice' and an old trippy music videos by Fat Boy Slim and Dee-lite, which were interesting, since the peoples' faces in those video would become very disoriented, for example their cheeks would widen, noses would become narrow, their foreheads would shrink, and objects in the videos would become circular and morph.

The visual distortions with this trip were heavier than the ones I've experienced on any other chemical. This was especially noticed when I'd read text on the screen. In a word, for example, the left side of the first letter would be curved lower than the right side of the letter, and the left side of the next letter would be as high and the right side of the letter before it, while the right side of that next letter would be curved as low as the left side of the first letter, and so on. Letters, no matter what font they were in, would look a lot more curvy than they would normally be. I remember seeing the number 2 somewhere and it ended up looking more like it was drawn by an artist, where the beginning and end (the tips) of that number would be sharp and curve away from the widened body of the number. Also, there were letter hallucinations that weren't very different from psilocybin, in which I'd see random words with pink liquidy letters, in which the words as a whole would be shaped like peanuts.

Audio distortions were extremely profound as well. My friend would try to tell me something but sometimes I couldn't hear him since his voice was getting lower and higher, and it would soften and get louder. One time I picked up the phone and was shocked by the way the dial tone sounded, it was lower than it would normally sound and sounded really round. Sounds coming from the TV would also sound as curved as the letters looked, and that is the best way I can explain that concept.

Foxy gave me that inexplicable chemical feeling, less than the chemical feeling felt on AMT, but the toxic feeling was definately there. At some points during the trip I debated with myself over the ideas that I'd taken way too much and there was a good possibility that I needed to go to the hospital. At times when I'd try to throw up, I'd spit a teaspoon of water out of my mouth. My heart, sometimes, would feel like a piece of metal, and I'd get paranoid whenever I could no longer feel my heart beating. My eyes were very dilated, and the funny thing with foxy eye dilation is that the pupils will shrink somewhat and widen and so on. I remember feeling a strong pinching pain inside my wrist area and I concluded that a vein inside me burst and I was going to bleed internally. Walking around felt extremely funny, as staircases and hallways would feel a lot more narrow and my legs felt like they were skinnier and smaller.

This trip doesn't compare as well to any other trip except the ones I had on 4-Acetoxy-DET, which not many people in the world have had the opportunity to try. 4-aco-det and 5-meo-dipt both put me into that pattern oriented loopy state of mind, the 'time trap'. On both these chemicals I got the idea that the mind is an endless loop. The major difference is that foxy's details are a lot smaller and more visuals can fit in your field of vision, and 4-aco-det is more in-your-face and lets you get the whole picture of conscious at once.

After a heavy foxy trip, I found it impossible to fall asleep. I didn't get to sleep until 4 P.M the next day.

I would recommend this to anyone who wants to use it one time or on occassion, but not to someone who is looking for a chemical they can use very often. Mathematicians might get a lot out of this, as a lot of the mind state of this chemical is fractal-orientated.

As always, use a trip-sitter while under the influence, and have fun with your spirit.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14774
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 21, 2002Views: 10,328
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